
Search results

  1. G

    Sarm Stack Help

    I've run Cardarine, S4, Sr9009, Testolone, and MK677 before. I'm currently running MK677 and am on month 5. I'm looking for a major cutting stack after having done a dirty bulk since August. No budget issues, just need a hard Sarms stack possibly including YK11 and S23, full dosage, mini-pct (if...
  2. G

    Combating Obesity

    I’m 25 years old, male, and have 30% body fat at 147lbs. I cut out all carbs and sugars for a whole year and went from 33% body fat to 30 over the course of that year. Thats along with 4 hours of HIIT training a week. Everyone seems to be talking about how Sarms can help combat obesity so I'm...
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