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    steroids questions

    Okay... What are long and short esters among test prop , tran acetate, primo which are long and short esters ,,,,what role or effects does short and long esters play ?
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    steroids questions

    I am running Tren acetate , PRIMOBOLAN, and test prop. Now sir when to start nolva or clomid after my last shot.
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    steroids questions

    Hi sir How many days after a last shot we should start PCT or nolva /clomid ?
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    steroids questions

    Hi brother rickroad.....what bigger than context for animals?
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    steroids questions

    Hi brother rickroad.....what bigger than context for animals?
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    steroids questions

    Agreed sir ..I will surely kept in mind further
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    steroids questions

    Answer sir Dylan
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    steroids questions

    Hi sir Dylan, firstly big fan and respect your work efforts. I want to ask ...are anabolic steroids prepared from animal's hormones? Being a vegetarian it's a huge concern for me. People says WINSTROL is prepared from horse's hormones and as Testosterone from animal's testicals and hormones. But...
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