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  1. G

    Coming off TRT

    Well here's the deal. Was 8 weeks into a Ligandrol and S4 cycle when i got my labs taken. Labs had come back with my T and E both very very low. T was almost untraceable and Estrogren was less than 5. Should've given my body a break and PCT properly of the SARMS. But instead went right away to a...
  2. G

    Coming off TRT

    Thanks for the input fellas
  3. G

    Coming off TRT

    Labs and bloodwork were done at the beginning of March confirming low T. As well as low estrogen and low prolactin. Nothing was even in the average range, all numbers were low. Dr. had me on Test Cyp 150mg/week. Started March 10, 2018. Hypothetically if i were to come off, would i still need the...
  4. G

    GW and TRT question

    Hey Dylan I just ran an 8 week cycle of Ligandrol and S4. Also 2 weeks ago I started TRT at 150/ week. My question is this I'm 205 6'1 10% body fat I wanted to run GW now along with just my TRT. Could I go right into the GW or should I take time off from research chems since I just got done with...
  5. G

    Sarms question

    My man quick question. 5 weeks into S4 and Ostarine. 25 mg of Osta per day and worked up to 100 mg of S4 per day with little to no sides. What do you recommend for length and also PCT? Been running a Natty test booster while on cycle.
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