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  1. I


    Hey Dylan, Due to state laws where i live, i cannot order the recommended test. I went to my doctors to have blood work done and I've posted the results below for everything that's covered. Everything they tested are in the normal range. Is there anything you can tell by looking at them? I am...
  2. I


    Thank you so much. I know most of those were on the test. I just scheduled to have all the blood work you recondmended done in a couple weeks. I will let you know the results when I get them. Gonna just keep focusing on improving my diet and trainning hard for now.
  3. I


    Dylan thank you so much for taking some time and respoding it really means alot i really appreciate it. I had to take a blood test 5 months ago to apply for life insurance. I cant find the email where my user name is so I can login to view them but I have a picture of a result example that shows...
  4. I


    Once again thank you very much. I completely understand that my diet the passed few months will not help me achieve my new goals. I've already started cutting out anything unnesesary and am eating cleaner each week. I will definitely take your advice with adding a couple oz of chicken and a...
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    Haha! Ok thanks man
  6. I


    My "typical" routine is in constant slight rotation. I started competing in arm wrestling 2 years ago. For the first year that really effected my workouts at the gym from having such an inflammed elbow. sometimes i couldnt even unrack 135 on the bench without serious pain. Recently I've...
  7. I


    Thank you so much for taking time to help me. towards the begining of my last cycle. And no I did not take an AI durring cycle.I am trying to be completely honest or else this would be a waste of all our time. Especially mine. And you're completely right my diet hasn't been on point the entire...
  8. I


    Pct was clomid 25 MG a day and arimidex .5 MG a day ran 2 weeks after last shot for a month for every cycle except my first (test only) and the tren and winnie cycle.
  9. I


    I knew the doses at the time but can't seem to remember exactly how much. My most recent cycle was the test and eq. It was 600 MG of eq a week and 500 MG of test a week. When I ran tren it was 300 MG a week but I don't remember exactly how much Winnie I was running but it was a low dose. First...
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    Thank you for your reply. Would you recondend a different cycle for the goal that I have? Or do you think given what I've taken previously that I should stay off now?
  11. I


    Thank you for your reply DTA707. Yes I was young. I think I was around 19 when I ran my first cycle (test only). I know this is way too young but I can't go back now or else I'd chose to wait. I didn't take another til I was 21 (which is still too young) and have spaced each cycle out to about...
  12. I


    Stats: 26 years old. 180 lbs 15% body fat. Have been working out since I was 13 (lied and said I was older so I could get a gym membership) Prior Use: Test only cycle 12 weeks Test and Anavar cycle 12 weeks (var for first 6 or 8 weeks only) Test and Eq cycle 15 weeks Test and Eq cycle...
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