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  1. D

    First time sarm user. Need help with PCT

    Well I missed my chance to pick up some cheap clomid/nolva etc while in Thailand, but it's given me more time to do some more research. The cycle and pct I have decided on is as per below. Cycle S-4 - First 4 weeks - 5mg am, 5mg pm. Total 1ml. LGD-4033 - Run for 8-12 weeks - 10mg/day. 1ml...
  2. D

    First time sarm user. Need help with PCT

    Thanks for letting me know mate. I've been going by their website which states a 8-12 week cycle, 12 weeks being ideal, althoigh they said 8 weeks for a begginer is ok in emails. Here was their dosing advice for ldg on their site. DOSAGE Concentration: 10mg/mL Volume: 30mL GAIN (LGD-4033)...
  3. D

    First time sarm user. Need help with PCT

    Hi all, I know this topic has been covered so many times, but I'm just wondering if anyone can provide some advice on my situation. I've purchased some lgd and s4 from the guys at auslabs and was planning on buying my nolva while on holiday in Thailand and bring it back home. (Havnt started...
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