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  1. S

    Great Cycle, should i add t3 and clen at the end?

    Im 7 weeks of 14 weeks of test e 450mg weekly, taking AI eod, plus 500ui weekly of HCG i gained about a solid 25 pounds since i started pinning. BF jumped to 12% from 10%. I already passed my goal weight, i originally intended to bulk and hit 180, but right now I'm 185. and I'm thinking at this...
  2. S

    First cycle. Tbol and what?

    Is there such a thing to taking too much liver support? I'm thinking about adding taurine and ALA along my CycleSupport while taking Tbol.
  3. S

    First cycle. Tbol and what?

    Alright thanks, I'm going to research on sub q.
  4. S

    First cycle. Tbol and what?

    I sucked it up and picked up test-e and going with the injectable route. as for my diet, I've been having trouble gaining some weight for some time. Went from 210 to 149, 2 years ago, and been slowing stacking on weight since. But I'm upping the cals when i start with this cycle. my daily meals...
  5. S

    First cycle. Tbol and what?

    I decided to suck it up and picked up test e and insulin syringes since they're tiny, and according my research, i just need to take my time drawing and injecting. Im going to try to do a quad IM, so i will be sitting down incase if i faint. 1-10wks test-e 300mg/wk (only had enough for 1 vial)...
  6. S

    First cycle. Tbol and what?

    Just orals is ideal for me right now. Even a needle prick bothers me. but let me know my options. if the needle is thin and glides in lemme know, i'll try it and see if i don't pass out or whatever lol. I'd like to hear different stacks to go with. and Up my cals by how much?
  7. S

    First cycle. Tbol and what?

    Thank you for the welcome! How would one develop a SARM sack? and is a SARM stack something i go to my local source for? lol. tbol is supposedly not too harsh on side effects, such as estro and gyno. Am i right?
  8. S

    First cycle. Tbol and what?

    Im very new to the steroid world. Im 25 yrs old, 5'11, currently at 163lbs 11% bf, and been lifting and seriously working out for 2 years, but been wrestling and played football for 7 years. Im currently looking to bulk up to 180lbs and stay lean or leaner, and break thru the 200 on the bench...
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