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  1. C

    Need sarms Cycle help

    Yes I'm talking only about sarms. And yes you are also correct about using AAS, I was being dumb and should of waited but I'm done with aas and decided to stick with sarms. I just want to be safe bc I feel like I'm gyno prone and don't want to go thru having gyno again, but I also don't want to...
  2. C

    Need sarms Cycle help

    I've had gyno develop in the past from genetics and amplified by not running an ai on a test cycle and amplified by sarms and had to get surgery ( I know dumbass move). so I would like to run an ai on cycle to make sure that doesn't happen again. Any suggestions on what kind of ai to run and at...
  3. C

    GW and ECA stack

    Has anyone used this combo during a cut? If so, how did you dose each and did you expirence a greater amount of fat loss? Also my diet and cardio is already on point, just curious to use this to speed things up a bit so I can bulk sooner!
  4. C

    SARMS Advice PLEASE!!

    Are there any signs i can look for if my estrogen is getting to low from the aromasin when i use it? Im just nervous to use too much aromasin and crush my estrogen, and too little to get gyno with my circumstances even though sarms dont convert. Have you seen 6.25mg eod with others to be a...
  5. C

    HAS Anyone used mk677 as a standalone?

    Has Anyone used mk677 standalone? Also mk677 doesnt cause any suppression correct?
  6. C

    SARMS Advice PLEASE!!

    Appreciate it bro!! By the way, even in my cirumstances, aromasin isnt nessecsary for me in PCT?
  7. C

    SARMS Advice PLEASE!!

    Could you set me up a 12 week sarms cycle that consits of lgd, mk, and s4 please
  8. C

    SARMS Advice PLEASE!!

    So just as a background I've ran 2 AAS cycles and 2 SARMS cycles. The first AAS cycle I did, I was a complete moron and didn't use an AI because I didnt watch any of DG's videos and got my advise from an ignorant source. Lesson learned and I can't fix the past. As a result I developed some gyno...
  9. C

    S4 can technically be considered a bulker??

    I know s4's primary use is to get hard and vascualar but it also makes you VERY VERY strong. Strength gains can lead to muscle gains via progressive overload on the muscles, so technically s4 can be very effective in a bulk correct?
  10. C

    Please watch and give opinions, especially the pros

    Thats honestly the part that was bugging me out, gw actually improves good cholesterol significantly correct? So even if it were true, gw could be used to combat that affect?
  11. C

    Please watch and give opinions, especially the pros Please watch the video and share your thoughts on what he has to say about sarms.
  12. C

    PCTS in pill form or liquid?

    As far as liquid or pill sarms go, liquid is always the way to go, correct?
  13. C

    Previous AAS use gives advantages when training natural?

    So i stumbled upon a video somewhere that said previous AAS use will still give an advantage when training naturally because some things that are increased on cycle like mitochondria,etc. (mostly stuff to do with the cells) still remain elevated even after use.So for example, lets say I've done...
  14. C

    Makin gainz in pct? Say what?!

    Dylan and Rickrock, is this the only account you've seen of someone making gains in pct with sarms? or have you seen others experience this? lol wondering if my friend is a lone survivor
  15. C

    Makin gainz in pct? Say what?!

    S4 LGD MK GW all for 12 weeks :) followed by a mini pct
  16. C

    Makin gainz in pct? Say what?!

    Not sure about my second cycle yet, gonna wrap up pct and then start a 12 week bridge with sarms which I'm VERY excited before because i used sarms on my aas cycle for their health benefits such as gw for cholesterol, osta for joints, etc. but not in conjunction. I still have yet to try s4 so...
  17. C

    Makin gainz in pct? Say what?!

    No prob brotha! always love updating the peps on the forum! Also i ran basically the same cycle as him except I'm running osta for 12 weeks total. 4 weeks in pct and 8 weeks on cycle to help with the winny joints. Osta suppression is very minimal correct, so i should be good to go on recovery?
  18. C

    Makin gainz in pct? Say what?!

    lol hear me out.. so my friend has done 2 cycles, first cycle test only and then did a pct with clomid/nolva and a natty test booster. He said during pct he gained ALOT of fat and after pct he lost a good deal of his muscle. His second cycle was far stronger with tbol and winny and test. For his...
  19. C

    PCT supplements

    Anyone have any suggestions for pct supplements? I will be following standard pct protocol with clomid, nova, aromasin, gw, osta and cycle support. Is there anything can help to add in recovery and feeling better in pct? Im going to add creatine, bcaa's, any natty test boosters out there?
  20. C

    how many cheat meals a week while cutting

    How many cheat meals a week do you guys have when cutting. I don't have many at the beginning of a cut since your body is burning the most fat then since metabolism is at its highest and you're not craving too much since you just bulked. But after a couple weeks and months it starts to set in...
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