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  1. I

    SARMs Taste

    Thank you!!!!
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    SARMs Taste

    Thank you everyone for the advice on the taste, I just manned up LOL! Taking it for almost 2 weeks now and its not so bad. I have been getting headaches and my body temperature rises only at night while I am trying to go to sleep. I never get headaches and I am usually always cold. Are these...
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    SARMs Taste

    I just received my GW from SARMsX, I didn't expect for them to taste like candy but wow they taste horrible. Any tips on how to take it?
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    Female New to SARMs, Need Advice!

    Should these SARMs on an empty stomach or with food or does it make a difference?
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    Female New to SARMs, Need Advice!

    Thank you for all the info. For the GW should I take it first thing in the morning before my cardio or before my evening weight training?
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    Female New to SARMs, Need Advice!

    Yes I purchased from SARMsX
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    Female New to SARMs, Need Advice!

    Hi I am a female, 5’5”, 130 pounds, 17% BF in my first ever competition prep for bikini. I have been lifting for about 5 years now but started dieting consistently for the past 6 months. So needless to say I have just learned about SARMs and I am ready to try them after doing my research but I...
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