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  1. Super Spartan

    Worried I might be having signs of Gyno

    I've been on a 4 month cycle of 500mg of Test Cypionate per week first month was with Deca then just Test + Primo Then the following 2 months I'm on Test Cypionate 400mg per week and Winstrol + Masteron (alternating between Winstrol and Masteron every other day) I've been feeling a sensation...
  2. Super Spartan

    PCT protocol for women?

    A friend of mine is asking what would the PCT for his girlfriend who was on a 4 week cycle of Test Propionate and 6 weeks of Anavar Please help
  3. Super Spartan

    Can I take Proviron alone without Test?

    So I've finished PCT a month ago. My test levels are still on the borderline of being low. Is it ok to run Proviron? Will it work alone without Testosterone? Reason I ask because what I've learned from brother Dyllan is that you should always run with anything for it to work (ie. Equipoise...
  4. Super Spartan

    When can I eat after taking HGH?

    So I've heard that it's best to take HGH when your insulin levels are low. If I wake up in the morning and have my HGH injection, when can I eat or have a drink like a Mocha for example? Also, this makes it very confusing to take it at night if I split the dose because I don't know when is it...
  5. Super Spartan

    When should testosterone levels go back to normal after PCT

    So I finished my 12 week cycle on the 26-Feb-2019 PCT: PCT Start - 12-March Half Dose - 02-April PCT End - 23-April PCT Consisted of: Clomid 50/50/25/25 50mg per day for 2 weeks then 25mg for 2 weeks Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 40mg per day for 2 weeks then 20mg for 2 weeks Aromasin 12.5 mg EOD...
  6. Super Spartan

    Growth Hormone and enlarged gut?

    So I've been taking GH along with my cycles and even during PCT for the past 4 months @ 4 to 5 iU per day sometimes split into half doses and sometime in one shot. My last cycle was Test Cypionate @ 500mg per week along with Winstrol + Masteron + Primo (600mg per week). I was having lots of...
  7. Super Spartan

    How long should PCT Last for a 12 week cycle?

    My cycle was: Test Cypionate = 500 mg per week Primobolan = 600mg per week Winstrol = 200mg per week Course start date: 28-Nov-18 Last injection: 26-Feb-2019 PCT Start Date: 12-March My PCT as it stands is: clomid 50/50/25/25 50mg per day for 2 weeks then 25mg for 2 weeksNolvadex 40/40/20/20...
  8. Super Spartan

    I listened to Dylan and thank you

    Hey Dylan and also to all the mods that advised me back then. Thank you so much from saving me from this mess I was getting myself into A while back I made a thread about a stupid cycle that I took blindly listening to one so called coach at the gym: When to start my Winstrol Cycle post the...
  9. Super Spartan

    Esters clearing and PCT

    So now that I realize that I've been doing it all wrong after the guidance from Dylan and other mods here, this was my last cycle: Day 1 = 4 IUs of GH + 100mg Testolic (Testosterone Propionate) + 250mg Susteron 250 + 400mg Boldenone Day 2 = 4 IUs of GH + 100mg Testolic (Testosterone Propionate)...
  10. Super Spartan

    Is Jeff Seid a Natty?

    When I first started like *really* working out continously as opposed to the early days when I was 18 where it was like 3 months on then off and so forth, since I was really out of shape by the age of 31, I decided that I will never stop again and I've been working out since I was 31 until now...
  11. Super Spartan

    When to start my Winstrol Cycle post the cycle I'm on?

    so right now I'm on my 2nd cycle. First one was just Test, then I took a month off with a PCT and now I'm on the 2nd week of my 2nd cycle which consists of the following for 8 weeks: Day 1 = 4 IUs of GH + 100mg Testolic (Testosterone Priopionate) + 250mg Susteron 250 + 400mg Boldenone Day 2 = 4...
  12. Super Spartan

    Ejaculation while on a cycle?

    Hi Dylan, I'm 34 and didn't take any steroids until recently. My coach at the Gym had me started with a course of Testolic (Testosterone Propionate) but he wasn't pleased with the progress so he asked me if I was you know likem masterbating and stuff. I said yes, he said you're wasting all...
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