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  1. J

    Sarms for cartilidge

    I thought I've heard that there is a specific sarm to help repair ligiments, cartilidge, and tendons.... Is this true... Have a hair line fracture in my upper chest in the cartilidge between the ribs... Any recommendations? Thanks Sent from my VS996 using Tapatalk
  2. J

    What does hgh do for looks only?

    So I just came off doing my first classic physique show... I'm about 235lbs 9 percent body fat now.......started my off season bulk now....just started taking 4iu Monday thru Friday of hgh... I know it's good for skin, hair, etc... but does it actually make your muscles and body look better...
  3. J

    Muscle cramps

    My friend is on 500mg test E and 500mg eq... He said he's having really bad muscle cramps... really painful...its never happened to him before...hes done a few cycles like this one...hes 53 years old... he said he's drinking alot of water.... u guys have any ideas of what it could be? Thankd...
  4. J

    Cycle assist or N2gaurd?

    Is there a big difference in the effectiveness of the two? Cycle assist from CEL is only $33 per month... N2gaurd is $90 per month... when it comes to safety for my health I don't mind spending the extra...just don't know if it matters? What do u guys think? Thanks Sent from my SM-G930V using...
  5. J

    Best pre-comp cycle?

    I'm doing my first classic physique show in November... I'll start my 3 month cycle in August... what's the best compounds for a show in your guys opinion that have done shows before.... it's my first show so I'm super nervous and just want to be on the right stuff. Thanks I'm 6'3 230lbs right...
  6. J

    Dad's test

    So I'm getting my dad on sarms.. he's 67 years good shape...still works physically... finally got his test levels back and they were at 218...the doctor said that was high??? Isn't that low? Or is that ok for his age? Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  7. J

    Sarms for older men

    My dad is 67 years old and is in good shape for his age...still works physically hard in construction... his endurance is low tho...needs more u think sarms would be ok for him...i told him about how they helped me and alot of other people I know... he said he would definetly try...
  8. J

    Smaller waist

    Do u guys have any advice on what works to get a smaller waist... what type of workouts, diet, different kinds of cardio,etc. I've heard vacuums are awesome... so I started doing those... any opinions on vacuums... do u guys think they work out not? Thanks I would like to do a physique show in...
  9. J

    Do steroids expire?

    I was just wondering that... I use to get my test from a local pharmacy until I started using Valhalla... but on the pharmacy vial it had a 6 month expiration date... I know guys that bought large amounts of compounds and just started using them over a year later... does it matter? Sent from my...
  10. J

    Need help building legs

    I work my legs out once a week...not growing near as good as my upper body... any advice on how many times per week, should I be super setting for size, different types of workouts I should be doing, Thanks.... I was thinking of doing them in the morning and after work in the same day...not sure...
  11. J

    Eating before the gym

    What does everyone eat before the gym? Do u carb load, eat absolutely nothing, take just protein? I would like to know certain foods that are good for energy during intense workouts. And how long before the workout do u eat? Thanks Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  12. J

    Thanks to Valhalla

    Just wanted to say how awesome they were.... Missny kept in touch and kept me updated... thanks again... the sources on here are awesome! Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  13. J

    Sub Q or into muscle?

    I was just at my TRT doctor and told him that I inject twice a week.... so he said that I should try a 25g 5/8 needle and just do sub Q shots... he said the reason for injecting into muscle with a 1 inch needle is so that the testosterone last longer... what do u guys think? I just tried the...
  14. J

    Letrozol and aromasin

    Can someone explain the difference between the two.... thanks Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  15. J

    HCG for TRT

    Hey guys... I'm just coming off my cycle of cyp and EQ ran it for 18 weeks.... I'm on trt ... so I'll just be cruising for awhile now....I was told by a friend of mine to do hcg for my trt.. I think he said maybe 5000iu..but I can't remember exactly... he said to definitely switch it up so my...
  16. J

    Crohns disease and TRT

    My best friend has crohns... he's 34 years old and definitely needs trt ... he has all the symptoms of low T... he's going to ask his doctor If trt will affect his crohns... what do u guys think... I don't trust some of these doctors...I would rather get everyone's opinion on this forum. Thanks...
  17. J

    Deca question

    I've been on 700mg of EQ and 350 test cyp now for about 2 months... can I add deca to this to try to get more size? I'm eating as much as I can and still can't gain size. If I do add deca how much should I add. Thanks Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  18. J

    What blood test do I get?

    So I'm in the middle of my cycle... Test cyp and EQ.... Did 4 weeks of winny in the beginning... Want to get my test levels, estrogen, liver, lipids , cholesterol, etc checked... What test do I ask for? Thanks in advance
  19. J


    Has anyone ever tried's peptide... I have some shoulder problems and a friend of mine swears that tb500 fixed his knees.... he had really bad knees and he told me to use it that it works miracles ...what do you guys think? Do u think it works? Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  20. J

    Test cypinate or enanthate?

    What is the main difference between the 2... is one better than the other? Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
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