
Recent content by TRTuser

  1. T

    Blood Pressure Medication on TRT

    What is the optimal range I should be on my peak day?
  2. T

    Blood Pressure Medication on TRT

    How many points did it lower it by? Also, you think I should ask the doctor if I should scale back my dosing? Last blood work taken on my peak day total was at 1290.
  3. T

    Blood Pressure Medication on TRT

    cbbram, You have any negative side effects from the Amlodipine?
  4. T

    Blood Pressure Medication on TRT

    A year, 200 mg injection once a week and .5 mg of arimidex on injection day then .5 2 days after.
  5. T

    Blood Pressure Medication on TRT

    I have been watching my sodium intake and drinking plenty of water. I do donate blood and my hematocrit levels are ok.
  6. T

    Blood Pressure Medication on TRT

    My blood pressure has always been on the high side but recently has been really up there 150/98. Blood work came back normal, test and e2 levels seem to be right in the sweet spot. I eat pretty clean. I think it is simply genetic. Both parents have high blood pressure and so did all 4...
  7. T

    Arimidex dosaage.

    Inject 200 mg of Testosterone Cypionate once a week. On injection days (Friday) take a 1 mg tablet of Arimidex and then a half on Monday per my doctor. I was wondering if I should switch to Aromasin. E2 level is 10.5 Total estrogens is 150 (Flagged as high) Should I be worried about my total...
  8. T

    Arimidex dosaage.

    Last bloodwork had my E-2 at 10.5 and my total estrogen at just over 150 which was flagged as high. I take 1 dose of arimidex on my injection day and a half dose 4 days later on the advise if my doctor as I was having some brrast tenderness. My doctor told me not to be concerned about either...
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