
Recent content by sweetnspicy

  1. sweetnspicy

    Should I trash this vial ?

    LOL... Smartass!!
  2. sweetnspicy

    Should I trash this vial ?

    You have to bring enough to share with the whole class. lol ;-)
  3. sweetnspicy

    No gainz are possible without the lord brahs..

    You had to post this right now when I just logged on for the first time in months? Maybe it's a sign. :-)
  4. sweetnspicy

    My Brother killed himself today....

    We all care about you. Just remember that you do have people to lean on. Don't fall into anything bad to cope, you can get through this. I love you and am always here for you. SnS
  5. sweetnspicy

    Wife made me wanna choke slam that ass almost...

    Crazy thread... Here's a hint: Don't hook up with crazy bitches and it's all good!! I admit I'm a stubborn ass most of the time, but it doesn't mean I'm a bitch. And no one want's to hear negative things about their children. If you are going to poke Ma'ma bear you better have a plan for...
  6. sweetnspicy

    Becoming a source?

    You just put it all out there on the first date, don't you? lol J/k If you are thinking of using pharm grad stuff from overseas you really have to watch your ass. It's so easy to get screwed over and honestly it's not hard to get pharm grade gear here domestically. It's safer too. As for...
  7. sweetnspicy

    PHURIOUS PHARMA's Deca Durabolin

    You better be kidding if you know what's good for you... but when have you ever done what's good for you?
  8. sweetnspicy

    PHURIOUS PHARMA's Deca Durabolin

    What the fuck do you think you're doing showing your skinny ass here? lol
  9. sweetnspicy

    Back acne

    Gandhi on gear... now that's a mental image. Lol Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
  10. sweetnspicy

    Back acne

    That's what I thought... but I guess you haven't told the world the truth about your bitch tits, sagging ass and chicken legs. I guess that could be considered a lie. [emoji6] Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
  11. sweetnspicy

    Back acne

    Of course. It's obvious you're full of shit, but I think everyone knows that about you. lol It's the truth about everyone that makes life interesting. ;)
  12. sweetnspicy

    Back acne

    People lie online? You have to be fucking with me!! I'm outraged!! lol
  13. sweetnspicy

    Post up your bro's and sisters to remember

    Spc. Travis Vaughn, 25 Army Died Feb 18, 2007 Hometown: Cedar Falls Married, 1 child
  14. sweetnspicy

    Back acne

    My 2 cents on acne… It depends on how bad it is and what kind of acne it is when it comes to treating it. If you could describe the kind of acne that would help with giving you the best advice (small red bumps, pustules, large hard bumps…). There are a lot of options out there. Best and easiest...
  15. sweetnspicy

    Back acne

    He said he's in his early 20's.
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