
Recent content by stasoon1

  1. S

    SARMs and drug tests

    I know standard drug tests don't test for steroids but if you are in the military or law enforcement and they decided to test you for steroids does anyone know if SARMs would give you a positive result?
  2. S

    SARMs and drug tests

    This would be for employment. I know they test in sports but if you were to only be tested for steroid use would you come up positive or not? Since SARMs aren't hormones I don't know how you could but I've been curious
  3. S

    SARMs and drug tests

    Anyone know for sure if SARMs could cause you to come up positive on a steroid drug test? I know Wada tests for them in the olympics but what about a standard steroid test? SARMs don't show up as excess testosterone right?
  4. S

    Sarmsx cardarine

    I have a bottle of the sarmsx cardarine I bought a couple months ago and it seems to have some kind of sediment in the bottom of the bottle. When I shake it up the sediment breaks up into chunks but doesn't dissolve. Anyone know what this might be?
  5. S

    Mk-677 side effects

    Yea I got mine from enhanced athlete and its was 90 bucks. Seems to have all the side effects that I have heard about so I think the dose is accurate. I'll dose in the morning instead of before bed.
  6. S

    Mk-677 side effects

    Anyone experience really messed up sleep while on mk-677? I have crazy dreams and wake up every 20 mins it seems. I'm taking 10mgs in the morning and 10mgs before bed. Might just start taking it in the morning cuz I end up needing about ten hours of sleep so I'm not so lethargic the next day...
  7. S

    Primeval fake SARMs

    Thanks for the info guys. I am on trt currently and get blood tests every two months. So I will find out on my next one if it did any damage.
  8. S

    Primeval fake SARMs

    Primeval labs email I emailed primeval labs help support and asked them if they put pro hormones in their sarms. They replied and said there are no prohormones in their sarms products. Of course they probably won't admit to it cuz it's illegal as hell. How can you sell a product with a...
  9. S

    Primeval fake SARMs

    Good morning Dylan, I've read some disturbing posts about people claiming primeval labs SARMs are fake and actually just pro hormones. I am currently taking the super LGD and super cardarine from them with mild results. How do you know for sure these aren't real SARMs? I am absolutely livid...
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