
Recent content by Prince123

  1. P

    8 Week TEST/DECA Cycle Done

    Hi Dylan, ORGAN ST Does not have fenugreek seeds? Isn't that a natural test booster?
  2. P

    8 Week TEST/DECA Cycle Done

    Hey all i have stopped my cycle short to follow up on my health with Sleep Apnea and hypertension BP. My total cycle length was 8 week, 300 test and 300 deca a/week. My last shot was March 7 and want to know about PCT? Any info about PCT and length?
  3. P

    Deca cycle with Sleep Apnea

    hey all I am on my 8th week of TEST 300mg and DECA 300mg a week. Recently like 3 weeks I have been having trouble sleeping, from the video my wife recondered of my sleeping looks like i suffering from sleep apnea. I gasp for air while sleeping. I feel fine, just i wake up 3-4 times at night...
  4. P

    Rejected from Donation Blood

    ya Organ ST hopefully will help. I use to use COQ10, Fish Oil and Multi Vit but soo busy with work and other crap kinda slacked on this, maybe this is one of the reasons why my BP and BPM are high.
  5. P

    Rejected from Donation Blood

    man I am totally with you, i have one at home as well. I ordered Organ ST praying that will help. I was soo ready to donate blood. lol
  6. P

    Rejected from Donation Blood

    Aromasin EOD, i have gained weight. caught the stomach bug over the weekend lost couple pounds.
  7. P

    Rejected from Donation Blood

    Nop only on this cycle i have noticed it.
  8. P

    Rejected from Donation Blood

    Dylan, will this address my high BP and BPM?
  9. P

    Rejected from Donation Blood

    will baby aspirin help?
  10. P

    Rejected from Donation Blood

    first cycle was test 500mg only for 12 weeks.
  11. P

    Rejected from Donation Blood

    nothing man feel good, just checked on my phone my bpm is 93.
  12. P

    Rejected from Donation Blood

    5-11 184 15% TEST 300/Deca 300 (12 week cycle 5 weeks left)
  13. P

    Rejected from Donation Blood

    Guys, I was rejected today from donating blood due to my BPM (Beats per Minute) being 112 the first time and 106 the second time. The kind lady said it needs to be under 100. BP 150/80 BPM 112 and 106 Any suggestions?
  14. P

    Test/Deca blast coming up. Questions regarding Prolacting and Caber

    How much should I take on a oral syringe?
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