
Recent content by Mj.109

  1. M

    Test enanthate and deca cycle

    My question in point is do i need to re take the caber and anastrazole or not?
  2. M

    Test enanthate and deca cycle

    Yes but food was in the vomit 6 hours after i ate it??
  3. M

    Test enanthate and deca cycle

    Yesterday night i injected 250mg of test and 250mg of deca took .5mg caber 1mg anastrazole. Vommitted 3 hours later. Do i need to retake the caber and anastrazole incase it cane out with the vomit because i saw food come out in vomit from yesterday evening before i injected?
  4. M

    Test enanthate and deca cycle

    Why wud u run it in ur pct like whats the reasoning i don't understand?
  5. M

    Test enanthate and deca cycle

    Why wud u run it in ur pct, like whats the reasoning for it, i dont understand?
  6. M

    Test enanthate and deca cycle

    Yh im from the uk so do u know any sites that will be helpful for me to get these sarms?
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