
Recent content by MDC

  1. M

    Stacking sarms

    Thanks for the reply Dylan. Im also on trt so should i skip the clomid and just run gw 1 month after sarms stack?
  2. M

    Stacking sarms

    Hi Dylan, Im gonna stack ostarine, rad140 and cardarine togther soon. Can i have them at the same time or is it better to have them at different times in the day? Im not sure how it affects absorption if taken altogether. Thanks in advance.
  3. M

    Sarmsx ostarine & s4 cycle log.

    Thanks for the feedback bro, i have been eating carbs that are high in fibre aswell as using a fibre supplement. Also having the occasional green tea to help keep full. I have a high caffeine tolerance so i take 600mg - 1000mg in the am prior to training so that helps alot as an appetite...
  4. M

    Sarmsx ostarine & s4 cycle log.

    Tommorow will be 3 weeks on Ostarine and S4. What can I say.....I'm loving this combo already. Diet has been consistent however due to the 20%+ strength increases in every lift (legs & Back even more) I'm struggling to keep to my goal of 3000(maintenance cals.) No vision sides from the s4...
  5. M

    Sarmsx ostarine & s4 cycle log.

    Thanks for the feedback bro, I will try those new ratios and see how i respond.
  6. M

    Sarms cycle length...

    Ok thanks for the help .
  7. M

    Sarms cycle length...

    12 weeks seems to be the standard for sarm cycles...Would 16 weeks be ok? (S4 & OSTARINE)
  8. M

    Sarmsx ostarine & s4 cycle log.

    First Training Sesh today. I was on holidays for a week and got home last friday night. Took a dose of both sarms friday night and unfortunately got sick over the weekend and did not train. Had a leg Sesh this morning. Still not 100% but got through the sesh ok. Training will be the...
  9. M

    Sarmsx ostarine & s4 cycle log.

    Thanks brother. Much appreciated. Just to clarify is that 50mg Clomid a day for one week then 25mg a day for 3weeks?
  10. M

    Sarmsx ostarine & s4 cycle log.

    That looks like a great stack bro, i will look at doing something like this prior to summer ( i live in Australia ). For now i will just stick to Ostarine and S4. In saying that should i still use that same pct protocol you mentioned?
  11. M

    Sarmsx ostarine & s4 cycle log.

    Definetly would run gw again. I would like to be alot leaner too. Ive been considering eating below maintenance cals for a few weeks then upping cals to maintenance levels later in the cycle depending on how im looking.
  12. M

    Sarmsx ostarine & s4 cycle log.

    Stats: 6"1 34yo 106kg ( 233lbs ) Going to run sarmsx Ostarine 25mg am and S4 25mg am & 25mg pm over 12 weeks. When i turned 30 i was diagnosed with type 1 Bipolar Disorder and since then i have been placed on 2 medications at high doses to help treat my condition. Both meds drastically increase...
  13. M

    Stacking Sarms.

    Dylan do you still recommend the daa with my 12 week Ostarine/S4 only cycle? Also what pct would i need to run?
  14. M

    Stacking Sarms.

    Thanks for the feedback Dylan. That stack looks very solid. Definitely will consider it in the future. Ive run GW501516 in the past and that alone was incredible. Fitness in a bottle. I hardly noticed the fact i had asthma whilst on.
  15. M

    Stacking Sarms.

    Sounds good. Im looking forward to running this. I will have to log my results/progress.
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