
Recent content by jbellx3

  1. J

    LGD-4033 Post Cycle advice

    You need to PCT! Definitely some clomid and I would add some GW. You should have this at home ready to go the day after last dose.
  2. J

    LGD & Osta... 16 weeks?

    Can I do 8 weeks LGD and then roll straight into 8 weeks of Osta & GW? Bulk 8 weeks and then GW & Osta 8 week cut... Then PCT...
  3. J

    Recomp & T2?

    I am currently in the middle of a Recomp cycle... 4 workout days (+20) and 3 rest/cardio days (-20)...I am also taking LGD-4033 & MK-2866. I have some T2 I was saving for after cycle to help to continue to lean me out, but I have enough to start now and go through the end of cut as well. My...
  4. J

    GW & Cutting

    I am currently finishing up a bulk and I have put on a very small amount of fat, small, but fat is fat. I'm going to do a few weeks of an intense cut to burn off that poundish of fat. I will be doing lots of deadmill spriniting, macros at about a 30% deficit, protein a little over 1g per pound...
  5. J

    Keto to Recomp Advice

    I am currently on my first standard keto diet. I have been on it for almost 3 months and have lost the fat I was looking to lose. I want to go into a recomp plan next...carb cycling. Do I need to transtion off the keto into carbs or does it matter?
  6. J

    Carb Cycling and Bulking?

    Thanks Dylan! I do really like rad140, i already have the GW and mk2866, but out of curiosity, why not the lgd?
  7. J

    Carb Cycling and Bulking?

    Just sarms....LGD, Osta, GW, whole cycle...
  8. J

    Carb Cycling and Bulking?

    I'm 47, 6', 193lbs, and 10%BF. My goal, for now, is 200lbs and keep bf at current level, or i wouldnt mind dropping 1%...
  9. J

    Carb Cycling and Bulking?

    What are you guys thoughts on carb cycling for bulk? I use card cycling & keto for cutting all the time,but was thinking of using carb cycling for a bulk. I have finally gotten to a good body fat% and I REALLY dont want to add any fat while bulking. I have done a cut before with carb cycling and...
  10. J

    Clomid Timing

    Thanks! I'm taking GW now and will continue it through PCT...
  11. J

    Clomid Timing

    So I take my last dose of LGD in the AM...Do I take my first dose of clomid that night in the PM, or wait until the next day in the PM?
  12. J

    Clomid AM or PM

    What the best time to take Clomid, AM or PM? Does it matter as long as you take it at the same time every day? I have heard PM is good because you sleep through some sides?
  13. J

    Whey and Casein Blend?

    Thanks Dylan...I travel alot so finding a quality meal sometimes is hard. Do you use the whey/casein blend post workout, or just whey?
  14. J

    Whey and Casein Blend?

    I drink 4 protein shakes a day...1 right after breakfast, 1 a few hours later, then lunch, 1 a few hours later, and then finally one right after workout, then dinner about an hour later. I have a ton of Casein laying around that I use to drink before bed. May question is, can I just mix the Whey...
  15. J

    Lgd & rad

    Clomid- 50/25/25/25, GW, and some DAA...
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