
Recent content by jamesthegame

  1. J

    Sarms stack and mini pct

    Hey guys so I’m planning on trying my first SARMS cycle. I’m planning to take LGD-4033, SR9009, and RAD-140. 1ml of each SARM a day, for a cycle of 12 weeks. The part that’s a bit confusing to me even after trying to research is the mini PCT. all I see is trash websites trying to sell their...
  2. J

    New to SARM's and would like opinions/info on my stack/plan

    I do understand that age thing, but at the same time I'm not really interested in doing it completely natty. Not interested in going on stage or calling myself a natural athlete, I'd just like to try sarms now, and then when I'm older possibly hit stronger enhancers. full body stats are weight...
  3. J

    New to SARM's and would like opinions/info on my stack/plan

    So I'm almost 19, I'm very determined to go on SARM's as I've been training hard since 15 y/o and know quite a lot about my body, diet etc. I'm planning on taking LGD-4033, 10mg/ED in conjunction with GW (Cardarine) 20mg/ED for a 12 week cycle (Are those correct dosages?) I'd be doing this on a...
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