
Recent content by Dontshootimprego

  1. D

    need advice for my stack!

    Gotcha. I'd imagine most of those mistakes involve not taking a proper PCT or cycling way too long, or for not long enough? Just to name a few.. Yeah you're probably right to be honest. I was doing pretty well naturally before. I have pretty good genetics when it comes to building muscle...
  2. D

    need advice for my stack!

    Thanks Dylan. I appreciate the advice you've given. And your willingness to give it to me straight. I don't want to pretend I know everything because I know damn well that I don't but I also don't want to make said mistakes either. I must assume that these said mistakes are when you venture into...
  3. D

    need advice for my stack!

    I appreciate the honest response. I've been into bodybuilding since late 2012 when I weighed 130lbs, so about 6 years now. Moreso on than off, and it has always been completely natural. Once I finally got my diet in check I was benching 225 for 12 reps and climbing fast naturally, until I got an...
  4. D

    need advice for my stack!

    Okay look. I get that you guys are way more knowledgeable on this stuff than me and I respect that. Really, I do. I'm not trying to come on here as some kid that thinks he knows everything. I am willing to take your advice and I do have patience. HOWEVER, if I don't feel like waiting until an...
  5. D

    need advice for my stack!

    It was an exaggeration. Besides, not using sarms would require MORE patience as gains would just be slower..
  6. D

    need advice for my stack!

    Haha yes you're right my friend. However patience is a virtue I do not possess. Not to the extent enough to shelf my rad for that long at least
  7. D

    need advice for my stack!

    I have watched all your videos on each compound, they're great and informative but where I still have questions afterwards is how each one works when stacked. I wish you would make more videos on stacking specific sarms and the benefits to certain stacks. I also should've added that I am...
  8. D

    need advice for my stack!

    Noted, thanks. I'm definitely gonna add the rad140 since it's already on the way then. And I might add in the s4 as well. How much of a difference will adding both of these to lgd make on overall gains in a 12 week cycle? Vs just running lgd on it's own? I know everyone is different but even a...
  9. D

    need advice for my stack!

    Just trying to learn man I don't know where else to go for advice and you seem like the man when it comes to this stuff.. sorry if I'm a nuisance. I'm sure you answer many of these questions every day
  10. D

    need advice for my stack!

    I just figured I'd ask which would be the best to add for my goals.. thanks anyway
  11. D

    need advice for my stack!

    I appreciate It. So adding rad140 or s4 or ostarine to my stack wouldn't help me any?
  12. D

    need advice for my stack!

    I knew that about mk6. I plan on running it for at least 6 months. And ok I'll run a 12 week cycle then. What else should I add to my stack? Thanks man
  13. D

    need advice for my stack!

    Hey guys I'm new here and was hoping I could get some advice on the current stack i just started. So a little bit of background.. I'm 22, 5'10" and weigh 160lbs, very low bodyfat. About 6 weeks ago I weighed 180 and was also relatively low bodyfat, but lost all of my muscle due to a lip...
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