
Recent content by Dfitmuscle

  1. D


    How long would the optimal time be to begin a new cycle of SARMs? From the moment you go on pct? Say an average of 8-10 weeks on SARMs... it shouldn’t be much different to the time between steroid cycles should it?
  2. D


    Would you recommend otc test boosters during pct, along with all you had recommended for pct such as the nolvadex and clomid combo? Or is it just a wast of money?
  3. D


    Thank you, I was just concerned about the suppression. But if it’s mild I will consider it... further what would you suggest the optimal time for recovery 2-3 months?
  4. D


    Great thank you! My pct consists of MK-677, GW nolvadex and clomid combo as you suggested on your YouTube channel as well as DAA and trib to help with libido to an extent. Should I be concerned over estrogen? Since I never used anything that can aromatize?
  5. D


    Dylan, on a whole other question. Would GW and MK-677 during pct be a good combination to hold and preserve muscle mass and stamina? I heard that MK 2866 or Ostarine suppresses natural testosterone to a curtain degree? Would that not countering the whole point of PCT? Also I just came of a cycle...
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