
Recent content by dajtki

  1. D

    lgd and ostarine

    hey man. if you check out my post history youll see that i am currently in the 5th week of ostarine and lgd. i might be eating in a slight surplus of maybe 150 calories and i train 4 times a week. so far i have gained 1lbs per week, strength is up big time. before i started the stack, my weight...
  2. D

    Advice on Sarms combinations

    Thanks a bunch for the replies guys. I'll wait and see where I end up after this cycle and then decide whether to bulk further, cut or recomp.
  3. D

    Advice on Sarms combinations

    Thanks Rick. That's a good point. I just like my experience with sarms so much that I know I will be going for two more cycles until august 2019. But you're right. Maybe I'll rather be recomp or so. But from what I read it's probably best to save the s4 for a cutting cycle and bulk on lgd and...
  4. D

    Advice on Sarms combinations

    Hey everyone, I want to apologize upfront for any mistakes. English isn't my first language plus I'm typing from a phone with auto correct. Dylan and Rick, thank you for all the advice you give. I also appreciate the tough love and no nonsense approach. I'm currently on my second cycle. The...
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