
Recent content by bigmothone

  1. B

    Clomid vs tamoxifen

    Thanks for the reply guys, next question on rad140-is that suppressive or not? All the reports are saying it's not but some of the logs I read on some of these sites saying they are being suppressed bad by it. I don't know what to believe. If Rad is suppressive or not is it the same pct protocol...
  2. B

    Clomid vs tamoxifen

    I have a question for anybody that can give a straight answer.Is it absolutely necessary to take Clomid and tamoxifen at the same time during PCT? Especially after a mild AAS or SARMs cycle. It seems to me they both do the same thing except tamoxifen seems to be stronger. I researched both of...
  3. B

    Question on MK-2866

    Ok, I wanted to thank everyone for the advice, another question. I have the MK 2866 and the LGD4033 however, someone told me to either add or replace the mk677 with TB500. If I did that I'm not clear on the dosing for the TB500. Each bottle is 5 mg and I'm supposed to take between 8 to 10 mg...
  4. B

    Question on MK-2866

    How's it going Dylan I been following some of your stuff On YouTube and it seems like you really know a lot about the sarms so I have a question about Mk-2866. I recently had a major pectoral rupture and just had surgery last week, so everyone is saying Mk-2866 is great for injuries. Will the mk...
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