
Recent content by Andyrew

  1. A

    Current active sponsors

    Would the reps be so kind to comment who they are reping and if comfortable state if foreign or domestic to the U.S.A. I really don't know if the forum has a current running list, if there is one... It's buried under tons of post. As always, if this post isn't allowed sorry and please get rid...
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    On a scale of 1-10 Rate AR

    10. It's nice to be able to PM any member with any stupid question I have and there isn't any candy coating the answer. They were never an asshole about it, they showed a genuine interest and simply wanted to give correct information to protect ME from hurting myself... I can't say how much I...
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    My very first SARMs cycle

    Excellent transformation thus far! Proof that Pure Essence is the REAL DEAL.
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    Merry Christmas!!

    Merry Christmas!
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    Whats your favorite part of your Thanksgiving meal??

    Dressing with out a doubt! When I was in high school and college, my grandmother always made a pan just for me. I was in heaven for 2 days.
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    Gaming.. My interest..

    I'm with the PC Master Race. Battlefield 4 is pretty much all I play. Great to see so many gamers here too!
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    New product SB-5 (Sibutramine) Pharma Lady

    Good to see products for people who need a boost to get back to a healthier weight! This is excellent.
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    New to site

    Welcome to AR
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    15 Signs You Are A Gym Douche The screamer... omg
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    Quote reply

    log out restart computer/phone log back in. Mine did it a few days ago. Something in the script didn't load correctly... it happens.
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    In Da HOUSE

    Welcome to AR!
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    Got a talking to this weekend by my mother-in-law about how unhealthy I have become

    I'm a little guy and have been in shape for all my life the most part. My family on my mother's side are all big. I always got flack for being too skinny. I was born with my father's genetics, lean with a high metabolism couple that with living my first 3 months in the hospital on them...
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    Things you will never hear a woman say

    I should listen to you more often... you're always right.
  14. A

    What are you listening to when you train?

    Orleans it the truth, bro!
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