
Recent content by Alex

  1. A

    Post cycle timing

    Ok man. I like utilizing this service. Part of the package is peace of mind.
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    Post cycle timing

    U answered my question that's all u can do but with the amount of stupid questions u get probably I don't think mine is that weird
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    Post cycle timing

    Not the same question. First was if I can in things longer. 2nd question is time to take off after pct before starting again. Sorry for the annoyance.
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    Post cycle timing

    The recommended post cycle after sarms is clomid and gw... 4 weeks.... then is it alright or smart to hop right back on? trying to time things out for a show coming up. I first learned take the mini pct protocol of 4 weeks then take another 4 weeks off completely of everything besides gw sr mk...
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    Timing for show

    so you would advise not running s4 into a 4th month... making the entire cycle 20 weeks... i could hold onto as much as possible with gw and sr possibly? i know its not ideal... if you don't think i should or it isnt really done that you have heard of I won't. I will time things out better...
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    Timing for show

    yeah the show came out of nowhere
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    Timing for show

    But since i will be coming off a pct for the show will the gw be enough to maintain muscle and keep me looking good enough for the show? I know its not a good idea to be cutting while in pct to maintain muscle gains but wondering if youd suggest to go an extra week of s4 with gw? Cuz that would...
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    Timing for show

    So i am competing april 8th. Been on sarms x products only. LGD since november 16 which I am stopping at 12 weeks in couple days. I started S4 4 weeks into my LGD cycle. Was told I can stop LGD and do s4 the full 12 weeks and go the extra 4 weeks after I stopped LGD then follow normal mini PCT...
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    New shipment of LGD without sealing!

    I just received my second order of lgd and noticed the plastic sealing that usually comes on the container is not there. Is it safe to continue with the product?
  10. A

    GW Cycle length

    I am running GW alongside s4 and lgd and my total cycle length is 16 weeks not 14 because I started s4 late. Going to stop lgd at week 12 and contonue s4 from week 4-16. If I am also running gw can i still run it into weeks 17-20 to help keep gains after cycle into pct? Will there be a loss of...
  11. A

    Adding S4 to my LGD cycle.

    I know that bro I just read on this forum that it's also wise to start at only 25 mg the first 2 weeks which is not what I thought. But ok I'll start and probably end with with 25 mg twice a day 6 hours apart. I guess you didn't get the question.
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    Adding S4 to my LGD cycle.

    Just read a post you answered on saying start with only 25 mgs a day for the first 2 weeks??? Can I start with 50 split up in two doses so 2 25 mg doses and keep it there to tell tolerability? Never heard of taking only 25 mgs alltogether for the first 2 weeks before.... That is wrong right? I...
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    Adding S4 to my LGD cycle.

    Won't face too much suppression or time till pct?
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    Adding S4 to my LGD cycle.

    So if I do this that's fine? Weeks 1-12 lgd 4-16 s4 17-20 clomid gw
  15. A

    Adding S4 to my LGD cycle.

    Hi all! I have been running LGD for about 2 and a hlaf weeks now and was considering adding S4 into the mix as well as GW. I read on a post somewhere on here that even if adding s4 a little later in the cycle like I am I can still run it the full 12 weeks even once stopping the lgd. My question...
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