
Recent content by AGENT101

  1. A

    7 weeks of Ostarine

    Sounds good, I'll take that advice. I'm a little uncomfortable going a full 12 weeks (this is my first experience with any PED) but I also want to do this right, so thanks for the input!
  2. A

    7 weeks of Ostarine

    Also worth mentioning, my stats, in case this matters: Before the cycle: Weight 212 lbs BF 16% Current: Weight 205 lbs BF 12% I've kept all of my muscle during a light cut, recomposition cycle. Been very pleased overall with the progress.
  3. A

    7 weeks of Ostarine

    In 10 days I'll finish up with a 7 week cycle of Ostarine. Liquid form from a reputable source. I haven't noticed any sides whatsoever, other than maybe mild testicular shrinkage, but could be my imagination. In any case, I plan on running DAA and Tribulus to boost natural test levels...
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