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  1. P

    PCT for 22 days anadrol 50 tabs

    Yea, im gonna throw em away, not gonna risk it with the drol.
  2. P

    PCT for 22 days anadrol 50 tabs

    What do you think would be a better cycle for putting on around 10lbs without bad shutdown?
  3. P

    PCT for 22 days anadrol 50 tabs

    i ran my first cycle as 12 week ostarine 25mg cycle followed by 1 month of 20mg cardarine this summer, im thinking about only running the anadrol alone as a small cycle ish
  4. P

    PCT for 22 days anadrol 50 tabs

    Havent run the cycle yet, had some leftover tabs from a friend. age 24 height 6.3, weight 196lbs around 14-15 bf
  5. P

    PCT for 22 days anadrol 50 tabs

    What would a pct look like for a cycle of 22 days 50mg anadrol tabs?
  6. P

    Cardarine and chest pain?

    ahh thanks, i think im gonna run with 10mg cardarine because i can easily feel the effect at even 10mg, i got 2g osta(2000mg) that would probably lasts me around 2 months right?
  7. P

    Cardarine and chest pain?

    i read somewhere that ostarine has benefits of healing joints, would it be beneficial to run that now while not working out, but just to heal the shoulder quicker?
  8. P

    Cardarine and chest pain?

    Yea, i have to be more careful with it, now i cant workout for 2 weeks atleast feels bad
  9. P

    Cardarine and chest pain?

    Yea man my workout was crazy as fk tbh, i werent out of breath at anytime and felt like i didnt needed any rest, i went to the doctor and was told that theres a high chance it is a muscle rupture/pulled muscle goddamn injuries /::
  10. P

    Cardarine and chest pain?

    it is probably a muscle strain because of the intense workout i think
  11. P

    Cardarine and chest pain?

    recently i got some cardarine yesterday i ran with 10mg i had a really great workout and i felt the endurance after 30min approx, so the next day(today) i started having some pain in the left chest area when breathing, does it have any connection with the cardarine?
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