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  1. R

    SARMS and Drug Tests?

    Any updates on federal government urinalysis? I spoke with a friend about the great results I've had with MK-677 and he want s to try it but he is a Civilian Employee with the Air Force and they do random urinalysis. Does the MK-677 or or any other SARM show up on the federal government...
  2. R


    before eating is working fine. I just wanted to know how long it takes to absorb. I'm on day 3 and got the beginning stages of a routine worked out for morning intake and breakfast. Thanks all for the great advice.
  3. R


    I do feel pretty good today tho. Not very soar at all and I worked out a muscle group I haven't touched in a very long time
  4. R


    Thanks and great cause the taste is weird. I started yesterday. They can make a ton if they make it taste like grape juice. LOL 1st Day review - got extremely sleepy and wanted to eat snacks I haven't even thought off in 20 yrs. Worked out normal after a nap. Was very hungry for dinner but...
  5. R


    So the Dylan's video says to take early morning in an empty stomach. How long after that before being able to eat
  6. R


    Thanks for the great advice folks
  7. R


    From watching Dylan videos my take is that the MK677 is good for injury healing and bone strengthening and that's really what I need most right now. Specially on the injury concerns (no bone just tissue). They are not exercise related but I'd like to be able to get back to a work out program...
  8. R


    Thank you very much trenimal2016. I'm learning from all of you how to read this stuff correctly and not mess it all up. I'll order mine right away!
  9. R


    I'm also looking at the MK677 and I'm brand new member here as of today. I'm trying to absorb all the information and proceed very cautiously and heed to all the great advise. Looking at the SARMSX site to buy the Nutrobal (MK-677) - 25mgs/ml @ 30ml bottle for $159. Excuse my ignorance but at...
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