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  1. S

    SARMs and drug tests

    Anyone know for sure if SARMs could cause you to come up positive on a steroid drug test? I know Wada tests for them in the olympics but what about a standard steroid test? SARMs don't show up as excess testosterone right?
  2. S

    Sarmsx cardarine

    I have a bottle of the sarmsx cardarine I bought a couple months ago and it seems to have some kind of sediment in the bottom of the bottle. When I shake it up the sediment breaks up into chunks but doesn't dissolve. Anyone know what this might be?
  3. S

    Mk-677 side effects

    Anyone experience really messed up sleep while on mk-677? I have crazy dreams and wake up every 20 mins it seems. I'm taking 10mgs in the morning and 10mgs before bed. Might just start taking it in the morning cuz I end up needing about ten hours of sleep so I'm not so lethargic the next day...
  4. S

    Primeval fake SARMs

    Good morning Dylan, I've read some disturbing posts about people claiming primeval labs SARMs are fake and actually just pro hormones. I am currently taking the super LGD and super cardarine from them with mild results. How do you know for sure these aren't real SARMs? I am absolutely livid...
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