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  1. C

    end of cycle - testicle pain

    alright dylan i will do that, thanks a lot mate...
  2. C

    end of cycle - testicle pain

    I think main goal is to gain lean mass... of course the benefits that i noticed with osta are just awesome like the fast recovering and also noticed reduced joint pain... for sure thats important. On the water i can stay up to 3 hours on pretty intense isometric workout... so overtraining is a...
  3. C

    end of cycle - testicle pain

    Alright tks a lot guys... So after pct blood test and new cycle in 2 months? Any tips for a noob on what to do next? to do sarms stacks is quite hard in here only found osta and andarine... I am not a bodybuilder, just windsurfing racing and because of that go to the gym everyday the last 15...
  4. C

    end of cycle - testicle pain

    i am from south of brazil, bought it locally, don?t know where?s imported from it comes with the pharmacy branding... but pretty serious guys, know them from a long time... on the first cycle of 10mg got awesome results and no negative effects whatsoever... even though pretty active my whole...
  5. C

    end of cycle - testicle pain

    Hi Guys, I am on the 11th week of my 20mg ostarine cycle, and started with a little discomfort on one testicle like a little sensibility/pain. Already with the mini-pct stuff in hands (clomid 25 + testo booster) and would like to know if should already stop my last 8 days of osta... Thats second...
  6. C

    Ostarine MK-2866 and PCT

    3 weeks after end of cycle
  7. C

    Ostarine MK-2866 and PCT

    it´s my second cycle of 8 weeks on ostarine 10mg; Last time i didnt do pct, just 2 months of ostarine, i didnt feel any syntoms of low testo and the doctor said i was fine; the exams pré and post(3 weeks after end cycle) that time were: fsh 5,88 7,02 lh...
  8. C

    My blood tests

    alright... should this pct be 4 weeks, and the 4 weeks with nothing? what about the next one, what could you tell me, mk28kk only? Tks
  9. C

    Welcome/Introduction Thread

    Hi guys... pretty new into sarms, just trying to learn ... did mk-2866 for 8 weeks, 10mg only, gained 4 kg(9 pounds) of muscle (to me was awesome) (i am on 76kg-167pounds) those are my exams pre and after cycle, didnt do any PCT, never used any steroids... fsh 5,88 7,02 lh 7,65 3,34 testo total...
  10. C

    My blood tests

    Hi guys... pretty new into sarms, just trying to learn ... did mk-2866 for 8 weeks, 10mg only, gained 4 kg(9 pounds) of muscle (to me was awesome) (i am on 76kg-167pounds) those are my exams pre and after cycle, didnt do any PCT, never used any steroids... fsh 5,88...
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