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  1. H

    anabolicum and tbol

    Hi dylan...major fan of your work I'm 25 and I'm thinking of running lgd 4033 with tbol...would that be an ok stack? If so..what dosages should I take and how long can I run the cycle? Also would nolva be a good enough pct? Many thanks mate
  2. H


    Hi dylan Huge fan of your videos and totally trust your judgement... I have tried 3 dball cycles aswell as an anavar only cycle(I know you dont approve of oral only cycle brother😆) Iv had good gains on all especially dball I'm training for 5 years now and I want to try something abit stronger...
  3. H


    Hi Dylan Big fan of your videos..I think they great I'm just not totally clued up when you say suppression...I am going to be starting a lgd 4033 course soon..10mg a day and I know it causes suppression but what does that mean exactly? Does it mean while on the cycle,I wont be able to get an...
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