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  1. M

    Esarms ultra-cutting stack

    sorry, making up my own terms here. Is this the cutting usage plan for that package? 1-12 GW-501516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m. 1-12 rad140 (TESTOLONE) 10-20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m. 1-12 sr9009 (STENABOLIC) 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart 1-12...
  2. M

    Esarms ultra-cutting stack

    Hi, What is the cycle definition for (12 weeks) for this stack from esarms? starting a new cycle soon. mdc1
  3. M

    Cutting stack process questions

    thanks this helps to avoid drastic calorie drops and negative impacts.
  4. M

    Cutting stack process questions

    Hi, Into week 2 of the cutting stack (GW501516, SR9009, S4) recommended here (12weeks + DGA POST + PCT). Beyond clean eating, lifting and cardio what is the best approach toward caloric intake? Maintain current body weight or reduce some calories in conjunction with the cycle to achieve the...
  5. M

    Cutting Cycle Critique/Recommendations

    Hi new here and new to sarm cycles. Have a goal to reduce my bodyfat as much as I can and need help and recommendations on a cutting cycle based on the data below. I have seen some of the cutting/stacking recommendations in the forum, but do not understand the pct and other supplements at...
  6. M

    Welcome/Introduction Thread

    New to the Forum. 56 210lbs 5/11 Training for 20+ years, no formal bodybuilding expertise, but more strength oriented weightlifting and resistance training. BF 25% Want to do some BF cutting and rebuild with more muscle.
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