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  1. M


    His aromasin is clomid. He asked which one would he suggest. As in is there something better. Second cycle, first cycle of deca.
  2. M


    Please let me start off by saying thank you soooo much for your advise. I honestly felt support when You gave me help the last time. It pushed me to put on 15lbs, at 9 percent body fat weight 192. Thank you. This time I am asking a question for a friend who is bulking with deca. He is asking...
  3. M

    test and tren cycle

    Last question please help. Where can I get a proper pct? And will it be injectable? The reason I seem so novice is because of all the research.
  4. M

    test and tren cycle

    You guys are the s#it!! Seriously thank you sooo much. I will be using test .5ml twice a week 300mg. Is that to low for theraputic effects? Can I buy the SARM from that website?
  5. M

    test and tren cycle

    Are you just trying to sell this product?
  6. M

    test and tren cycle

    I am 27yrs old, 5'9 in feet, and 15% body fat. I am starting a cycle for the first time ever. I have been working out diligently for the past 6 months to a year. I have worked out constantly, on and off for the past 10 yrs. I have 1 inch pins 23gauge 3ml. I am not sure if I will be taking the...
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