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  1. Dudley Dawson

    EQ Cutting Dosage

    Hey Bro’s, I’m looking to get some recommendations for dosages on EQ for a cutting cycle. Should I go with 600 or 800 migs per week and keep the test lower at say a TRT level of 250 migs. I like EQ, used it before at a much lower dosage. Cycle length, looking at 18 weeks. Diet and training in...
  2. Dudley Dawson

    First Post - Introduction

    What’s Up everyone, just wanted to introduce my self to the forum as this is my first post. I’m 40 y/o, 5’4”, currently sitting at 170lbs. My BF% is between 10% - 12% according to my scale. I’ve been training correctly for the last 5 years and just going to the gym for about 15 years. Pretty...
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