
Recent content by zeelpeel

  1. Z

    Cycle update

    Thanks for the advice it's just funny how me wanting to do a cycle cruise and do another and then look at coming off or staying on a HRT dose Is such a bad thing and like I'm somehow now giving steroids a bad name get off the high horse look at a general pct the shit your body has to go threw is...
  2. Z

    Cycle update

    Thank you guys for the reply I started the aromasin and caber 3 days in so far almost weak 3 no water solid gains and tbh this is my 5th cycle I'm 26 and tbh I'm just.planning to cruise and blast for a few cycles I have been on and off since I was 20 and with my career I'm just going to blast...
  3. Z

    Cycle update

    Hey bro wanted to send you a quick message I ordered both of your new supplements and so far enjoy them both love the ingredients can't find this stuff in the uk, anyway I have started my test deca masteron cycle I just wanted to check with you when do I start dosing my aromasin and my caber on...
  4. Z

    cycle help

    Ow and I'm 6ft and 25 years old **
  5. Z

    cycle help

    Thank you RickRock never ran for Deca so want to be sure, and ATM I am 77kg around 7-8% body fat I'm back in my routine after a bad injury, my last cycle was test eq and masteron hit 89kg with 7% bf thanks to genetics as we'll but after the injury I want to get my gains back but keep them clean...
  6. Z

    cycle help

    Thank you for the quick reply, so at what dosage would I run the caber and the AI I have on hand,from past experience I know I'm not to gyno prone as I had no problem with nipples when running high level of test Just want to make sure I have those 2 on point before starting the cycle, and for...
  7. Z

    cycle help

    So this is the gear I have,I will be running a cycle of Test E weeks 1-10 250 weeks 10-16 350 Deca weeks 1-6 250 weeks 6-10 300 Masteron weeks 1-12 600 weeks 12-16 800 I have anastrazole and I'm wondering what else you would recommend as I know I will need something for my prolactin, im not...
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