
Recent content by scotto593

  1. S

    sarms Sides

    Hi Dylan , after taking lgd and ostrain from two different sources including, I seem to be getting the same side effect which is a very strong headache and pains in my sides ( above the liver ) and generally feeling a bit rough. Any idea what could be causing this and do you think rad 140 could...
  2. S

    sarm half lives

    Thanks for clearing that up Rick , I really asked because when I took lgd from sarms1 it gave me a massive rush of energy for about 6 hours and then a massive comedown much like a recreational drug would , looking forward to pure essences osta arriving so I can finial get a true sarm experience !
  3. S

    sarm half lives

    so whilst excitedly waiting for my osta to arrive from pure essence for my first ever sarms run ( i dont include my sarms1 fiasco ) i got thinking about the half lives.For example if lgd is dosed at 10mg ed and has a half life of 24 to 36 hours surely the dose is actually a lot higher than 10 mg...
  4. S

    sarm question for dylan

    Hey thanks Dylan , I'm sure the side I had was a migraine but I've never had one before so I wasn't sure , will get in touch with pure essence , it's funny how on other forums completely hide any information on the migraine issue . Keep up the good work , and I'm staying put right here bro !
  5. S

    sarm question for dylan

    so after wanting to try a ped for years but not wanting to take the risks off the sides i decided to try sarms after watching your youtube vids ect. I wanted to bulk so i ordered lgd from sarms1 (didn't even know pure essence existed at the time) got myself some cycle support and a pct and dosed...
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