
Recent content by KenCastle316

  1. K


    Is 2 months a long enough time to wait between cycles?
  2. K


    What do you recommend as a good dose for LGD? I recently ran it for 12 weeks at 10mg per day. I was very happy with the results albeit they came slowly but steadily. Wondering if theres a more ideal (and equally safe) dose I can run my next cycle? Any help is appreciated!
  3. K


    What is the ideal dose for a 12 week LGD Cycle. Im an advanced lifter who has used steroids in the past but has not cycled with anabolics in the past 2 years. I just came off a 12 week LGD cycle at 10mg per day and overall I was happy with the results although they came slowly. I've been off...
  4. K

    How long should I wait between SARM Cycle

    Hey guys, Hypothetically speaking, if someone finished a 12 week stack of Ostarine and LGD4033... How long should they wait before starting a new round of SARMS, hypothetically speaking , of course.
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