
Recent content by Hrum89

  1. H

    Sarms newbie info

    I'm on TRT and recently gained interest in SARMS. I'm in desperate need to recomp. I just started TRT only months ago and have made great progress but I really need to focus on lowering bf%. I'm looking into 8 weeks of cardarine and andarine to supplement my TRT dosage of 80mg t cyp twice weekly...
  2. H

    CC's Next Level Log

    and I thought I was going hard
  3. H

    Was up New here

    you came to the right place. I just got here couple days ago and it's solved basically all of my problems!
  4. H


    Thanks Dylan yup that's what I'm talking about....definitely going to have to order some as backup in case I ever need a little extra which is bound to happen sooner or later. Thanks for the info
  5. H


    Sorry if this has been discussed (I'm guessing somewhere it has) does anybody have insight on liquidex research formula? Anybody have blood work or experience? Accurate dosing? If so would be amazing. I wanted to start a thread for ppl to share experiences not only with liquidex but the other AI...
  6. H

    [SARMSX - 30% OFF] PCT, Aromasin, Clomid, Nolvadex, Via, Cia, TripleXstack and more..

    of course. pill or liquid it's being administered orally and absorbed through the same passage. I'm considering ordering curious how accurate dosing is though
  7. H


    Appreciate the info brother. Glad to know both are legit! Love having options
  8. H


    How's titan compare to robo?
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