
Recent content by AntM1564

  1. A

    Estrogen if its to high does it stop your gains

    This. You want your estrogen levels in a range. I have seen many people wanting to eliminate estrogen completely or have a very minimal amount, which is bad. If estrogen is too low it could lead to water retention, ED, anxiety, fatigue, etc.
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    New here

    Welcome to the forums!
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    New Guy

    New guy here, I just wanted to introduce myself. I am 28 years old and have been lifting for 9 years now. I have ran two test e cycles in the past, about 5 years ago. I have recently used andros, which do not compare to the real deal. Things have really changed in 5 years in terms of who to...
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    Suprise, suprise

    I think in general, men hold most of their fat in their belly or low back. I hold mine in my lower back and hate it.
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    Transformation Pic

    Heck of a transformation right there. What was your diet like?
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