I’m Nicolas and I have been running and crossfit for 4 years.
I’m looking to improve my performance during training (strength / endurance / cardio). I used to take Dmaa and Tramadol to boost my abilities, but this was not the best solution. Now i’m looking for thinking of cycling RAD140 (10 mg) and GW-501516 (10 mg) for 8 weeks. I weigh 141Lbs.
Do you have any advice or best stack ?
Thanks ! (Sorry for my english, i’m french).
I’m Nicolas and I have been running and crossfit for 4 years.
I’m looking to improve my performance during training (strength / endurance / cardio). I used to take Dmaa and Tramadol to boost my abilities, but this was not the best solution. Now i’m looking for thinking of cycling RAD140 (10 mg) and GW-501516 (10 mg) for 8 weeks. I weigh 141Lbs.
Do you have any advice or best stack ?
Thanks ! (Sorry for my english, i’m french).