
Swelling Post Injection


I started getting significant swelling the size of a golf ball in my glutes mid cycle around weeks 6-8. Prior injections felt great with little to no PiP.

There is no redness or significant pain when massaging the area. I use 1 inch needle and put on 8lbs over this period of time. Is it possible I gained too micb fat in the glute area im not injecting deep enough?

Swelling goes away within 4 days or so by the time I alternate sites. Why would this start acting up?

Would cleaning my needle with an alcohol wipe make any difference? I take extra precaution with sanitizing my counter, injection site, and pins
I started getting significant swelling the size of a golf ball in my glutes mid cycle around weeks 6-8. Prior injections felt great with little to no PiP.

There is no redness or significant pain when massaging the area. I use 1 inch needle and put on 8lbs over this period of time. Is it possible I gained too micb fat in the glute area im not injecting deep enough?

Swelling goes away within 4 days or so by the time I alternate sites. Why would this start acting up?

Would cleaning my needle with an alcohol wipe make any difference? I take extra precaution with sanitizing my counter, injection site, and pins
What needle length and gauge are you using? Also what do you mean sanitizing pins? They come sanitized. I hope you are not reusing pins. You need a new pin every time
I never reuse anything. I use 1 inch 25 gauge needles. I've attempted to change my dosing amount from 300mg to 200mg in a single pin but nothing helps.
Try a different site. Quads or delts. You may have scar tissue built up in glutes
yes, try to rotate sites man... you must have been overusing your glutes... give them a break and see if that helps

I rotated using right and left quad for 3 injections. I hit the right quad 2 of 3 times and second pin I had no PiP, swelling, or lump.

I decided coming up on doing the left quad again I would do the glute instead to test if it is doing better. After my injection, my glute swelled up again with slight pip.

I willing to continue giving the glutes a break and keep using the quads but I don't want them to flare up like my glutes. I'm pinning test cyp twice a week. I'm a bit timid to do shoulders with the amount of overhead pressing I do.
This has happened to me a few times over the years and even a site rotation didn’t stop it completely my glutes just got pissy with me and knotted for the remainder of cycle then came good after the off cycle break.

So that would be beneath and more medial on the hip by the ASIS (basically in the glute medius/minimus) correct? Would 1 inch need be able to hit the iliac? Just sounds like a small area compared to the gluteus maximus.

Watch a youtube video man

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