Thank you for the warm welcome and empathy, please excuse my ignorance in the other post regarding fluoxy.
I apologize, I am very new to this board, or any board for that matter.
I hope this intro isn't plain stupid or too drawn out. I know this is a long intro...
If so I apologize.
I am 48 years old
5ft 10 inch
71 kilos now
I've always been active, healthy and in shape as an ocean surfer, expert skier and avid mountain hiker.
Due to my own negligence, improper eating habits, busy hectic work schedules and stress related illness, I dwindled down to 59 kilos of skin and bones last year.
8 months ago I made a decision to begin changing my life. I went on a health conscious diet program as well as started lifting again after many years off.
I used to lift in my late 20's and early 30's, but never really that seriously, I was more a cardio athlete, but still very athletic.
Yet I still and always have had challenges gaining weight. I'm just one of those guys that have that type of metabolism. Once thought of as a natural gift and lucky as I've never been fat or overweight is now a curse as I had not been able become more than 65 kilos.
6 months ago, I decided to "juice" and I began the journey into the world of steroids.
Along with my decision to get on a proper dietary program and the gym, It was the best decision I ever made in my life in my opinion.
Quite possibly saved my life along with the fact that many of my small ailments like chronic joint pains, muscle atrophy and constant soreness etc... are no longer present. Not sure if that was entirely from the steroid use or I suspect just the combination of exercise, power training and overall living a healthier life.
I did a 10 week cycle and though I went pretty hard mainly due to ignorance, though I was extremely careful and had my personal friend who is also a doctor monitor my health, blood etc... every step of the way, I was very lucky. I suffered absolutely no side effects except a slight bout with pimples and oily skin, but extremely mild and as of yet my first cycle was so far very successful.
I ran Dbol 6 weeks with sus250 500mg and deca 500mg for 10 weeks then pct with hcg, nolva, clomid for 6 weeks
I kind of got more and more knowledgeable by researching as I went along, and watching and reading from this site and others.
In hindsight, I should have done all that before starting my cycle.
I know now that it was a very aggressive 1st cycle and again, I am very lucky that my body took so well to it being a first cycle.
I was on point with 4,000-5,000 calories a day diet with mass amounts of protein in shakes and supplements, vitamins and glucosamine
I was on a pretty intense power lifting regimen following prescribed, tried and true methods from my research and an experienced trainer.
One thing I have to opine is that regardless of being on juice or not, it takes severe drive, dtermination, will and perseverance to achieve the body that most wish they had and those that dissed me for juicing and "cheating" have no idea what dedication and hard work it takes, they seem to think that you just take some pills and shoot up and anyone can just get big and muscular. I know that that's a fallacy and perhaps being on cycle takes even more determination and drive to get out there and bust your ass. Besides, it was life decision for my overall health more than just to get big and muscular. I'm 48, I've been skinny all my life, only dreaming of having a nice muscular's now or never!
I've tapered down my work outs to 4 days a week and not as intense as when I was on cycle, as well as my dietary intake is back down. I suffer no depression or lack of will. My strength has not subsided much at all.
I'm overall feeling amazing and looking so much better than the scrawny little guy I was almost a year ago. I look much younger than my age. I would post a before and after if I knew how's quite astounding I think.
I gained a total of 14 kilos at my peak, I know that that is also pretty rare, and lost only 2-3 kilos as I'm now teetering back and forth at 70-71 kilos. But all my weight gained is pure muscle except a little belly fat as I did not do much cardio, focusing so much on gaining weight and mass, too much cardio seemed counter productive to my goals, especially at the rate I lose weight, which is extremely quickly if I don't eat big and do cardio.
I'm past 4 weeks post pct, I wonder, will I stand to lose more weight if I don't cycle again?
I just went in for my latest blood test and will have results next week.
I don't want to do Deca again and I'm really leaning towards EQ, I like Sus as I got no sides from it and felt awesome on it. I'm a bit concerned about Oxy due to its toxicity. I have milk thistle, tried to get liv-52 but to no avail, I live in a pretty closed country in Asia and though I have a single source with access to almost everything else, I can't seem to get anything else besides the milk thistle. If there are any other suggestions for liver health, I'd appreciate it, otherwise, milk thistle will have to do.
Steroids I have on hand: Test Enanthat250, EQ, Sus350, Sus250, Deca250, Flouxy tabs, Dbol tabs, Dbol injectable, Oxymetholone tabs
PCT and ancillaries I currently have on hand: Exemestane, Hcg, Nolva, Clomid, Anastrozole
My goal this cycle is to get bigger all around and add cardio with emphasis on mass but want to cut my abs a bit and work on core strength as well.
Oxy, EQ, Sus...sound ok?
Advise please
Thank you