
Simple First Cycle With a Few Questions

Hello All. Here is a brief summary of whats going on with me. Any feedback would be much appreciated!!!!!

M:37 5’10” 190lbs, training on and off for 20yrs and have been hitting it harder/regularly for the last few. Dropped about 20lbs this year and am currently at 13% BF

In October 2014 I went to a Low T Clinic and got tested. Initial bloodwork was good overall but Testosterone was 307 and prolactin was high at 26.8 (std range 4-15.2). Started TRT in Oct 2014 – Received 130mg Test C 1X week with last injection of 200mg on July 22nd. Self administer 500mg HCG 2X week (2 days and 4 days after test inj) to prevent testicular shrinkage and hopefully maintain fertility. Took 0.25 Armidex ~48hrs after injection (initially had some nipple sensitivity). Last 2 labs with therapy showed ~750 Testosterone and prolactin was down......everything else still good. Initally I went to the clinic in hopes of a small boost in muscle. Overall I was very happy with the results but I had to discontinue treatment as I left my job and currently don’t have insurance that covers it (TRT where I was going costs about $350/mo if you pay cash). The clinic didn’t do much to help me out after I left other than extending my HCG prescription but to be honest, with low T Im not sure if there is much concern with PCT. Only other info that comes to mind at the moment is that I have had slightly “puffy nipples” my entire life, even when I was extremely lean. Estrogen levels seem good tho. Not sure if this makes me susceptible to gynecomastia.
My goals might be a little different than many as I want to get bigger but not so extreme, or so quickly, as to stand out (I guesss Im kind of one of those guys that doesn’t really like too much extra attention). I was hoping to run a simple “light” cycle to put on a little more muscle. If I could trim a little more fat, that would be great also. Here are my thought on where I might start. Any feedback would be much appreciated.
1) Test C – 250-300mg/week. I chose Test C because I am familiar with it but would consider Test E. I know injecting 2X would be best but I wondered if Im only don’t 250mg/week if 1 injection per week would work with Test C as it has a long half life.
2) Anavar only. My biggest concern here is that I have read numerous places that legit anavar is hard to find. Apparently much of what is for sale on the street (and web) is not genuine and may contain other cheaper drugs.
3) Ostarine – 25mg/day for 4-6 weeks. Yes I know this is a SARM but I initially threw it in the mix as I can buy it locally…..Ive since realized there are a few good sources online.
In addition to that, here is a bit more random stuff:
I don’t know if I will go back on TRT so Im thinking I could do PCT just in case. If I do go back on TRT then I wouldn’t do PCT.
My last Test injection was July 22 and I am currently still taking 500mg HCG 2Xweek (1g total). Do I need to wait to start a cycle? If so, how long? Should I come off the HCG try to do a PCT right now?
TexasTrash said:
Hello All. Here is a brief summary of whats going on with me. Any feedback would be much appreciated!!!!!

M:37 5’10” 190lbs, training on and off for 20yrs and have been hitting it harder/regularly for the last few. Dropped about 20lbs this year and am currently at 13% BF

In October 2014 I went to a Low T Clinic and got tested. Initial bloodwork was good overall but Testosterone was 307 and prolactin was high at 26.8 (std range 4-15.2). Started TRT in Oct 2014 – Received 130mg Test C 1X week with last injection of 200mg on July 22nd. Self administer 500mg HCG 2X week (2 days and 4 days after test inj) to prevent testicular shrinkage and hopefully maintain fertility. Took 0.25 Armidex ~48hrs after injection (initially had some nipple sensitivity). Last 2 labs with therapy showed ~750 Testosterone and prolactin was down......everything else still good. Initally I went to the clinic in hopes of a small boost in muscle. Overall I was very happy with the results but I had to discontinue treatment as I left my job and currently don’t have insurance that covers it (TRT where I was going costs about $350/mo if you pay cash). The clinic didn’t do much to help me out after I left other than extending my HCG prescription but to be honest, with low T Im not sure if there is much concern with PCT. Only other info that comes to mind at the moment is that I have had slightly “puffy nipples” my entire life, even when I was extremely lean. Estrogen levels seem good tho. Not sure if this makes me susceptible to gynecomastia.
My goals might be a little different than many as I want to get bigger but not so extreme, or so quickly, as to stand out (I guesss Im kind of one of those guys that doesn’t really like too much extra attention). I was hoping to run a simple “light” cycle to put on a little more muscle. If I could trim a little more fat, that would be great also. Here are my thought on where I might start. Any feedback would be much appreciated.
1) Test C – 250-300mg/week. I chose Test C because I am familiar with it but would consider Test E. I know injecting 2X would be best but I wondered if Im only don’t 250mg/week if 1 injection per week would work with Test C as it has a long half life.
2) Anavar only. My biggest concern here is that I have read numerous places that legit anavar is hard to find. Apparently much of what is for sale on the street (and web) is not genuine and may contain other cheaper drugs.
3) Ostarine – 25mg/day for 4-6 weeks. Yes I know this is a SARM but I initially threw it in the mix as I can buy it locally…..Ive since realized there are a few good sources online.
In addition to that, here is a bit more random stuff:
I don’t know if I will go back on TRT so Im thinking I could do PCT just in case. If I do go back on TRT then I wouldn’t do PCT.
My last Test injection was July 22 and I am currently still taking 500mg HCG 2Xweek (1g total). Do I need to wait to start a cycle? If so, how long? Should I come off the HCG try to do a PCT right now?

Since you've already been on trt I would suggest u self medicate. The sources here have test at really low prices. Much better than what u were paying. And when u decide to blast u can up the dose to 500mg per week and add some proviron and sarms and have a good stack. Also ditch the arimidex. And use aromasin 12.5 mg EOD.
Also. U could get 5 vials from phurious pharma for $ 150. At a trt dose thats roughly a years supply.
TexasTrash said:
Hello All. Here is a brief summary of whats going on with me. Any feedback would be much appreciated!!!!!

M:37 5’10” 190lbs, training on and off for 20yrs and have been hitting it harder/regularly for the last few. Dropped about 20lbs this year and am currently at 13% BF

In October 2014 I went to a Low T Clinic and got tested. Initial bloodwork was good overall but Testosterone was 307 and prolactin was high at 26.8 (std range 4-15.2). Started TRT in Oct 2014 – Received 130mg Test C 1X week with last injection of 200mg on July 22nd. Self administer 500mg HCG 2X week (2 days and 4 days after test inj) to prevent testicular shrinkage and hopefully maintain fertility. Took 0.25 Armidex ~48hrs after injection (initially had some nipple sensitivity). Last 2 labs with therapy showed ~750 Testosterone and prolactin was down......everything else still good. Initally I went to the clinic in hopes of a small boost in muscle. Overall I was very happy with the results but I had to discontinue treatment as I left my job and currently don’t have insurance that covers it (TRT where I was going costs about $350/mo if you pay cash). The clinic didn’t do much to help me out after I left other than extending my HCG prescription but to be honest, with low T Im not sure if there is much concern with PCT. Only other info that comes to mind at the moment is that I have had slightly “puffy nipples” my entire life, even when I was extremely lean. Estrogen levels seem good tho. Not sure if this makes me susceptible to gynecomastia.
My goals might be a little different than many as I want to get bigger but not so extreme, or so quickly, as to stand out (I guesss Im kind of one of those guys that doesn’t really like too much extra attention). I was hoping to run a simple “light” cycle to put on a little more muscle. If I could trim a little more fat, that would be great also. Here are my thought on where I might start. Any feedback would be much appreciated.
1) Test C – 250-300mg/week. I chose Test C because I am familiar with it but would consider Test E. I know injecting 2X would be best but I wondered if Im only don’t 250mg/week if 1 injection per week would work with Test C as it has a long half life.
2) Anavar only. My biggest concern here is that I have read numerous places that legit anavar is hard to find. Apparently much of what is for sale on the street (and web) is not genuine and may contain other cheaper drugs.
3) Ostarine – 25mg/day for 4-6 weeks. Yes I know this is a SARM but I initially threw it in the mix as I can buy it locally…..Ive since realized there are a few good sources online.
In addition to that, here is a bit more random stuff:
I don’t know if I will go back on TRT so Im thinking I could do PCT just in case. If I do go back on TRT then I wouldn’t do PCT.
My last Test injection was July 22 and I am currently still taking 500mg HCG 2Xweek (1g total). Do I need to wait to start a cycle? If so, how long? Should I come off the HCG try to do a PCT right now?

your test is at a good number right now... you can start your cycle at any time... you need to understand that using hcg too long is extremely detrimental and so you need to make a switch shortly... hcg mimics lh and fsh just as when your on cycle you are loaded with test but when you stop you are suppressed and your body forgets how to produce on its own, same with using hcg too long and trust me, if your not on trt/hrt or a cycle, crushing your lh and fsh is HORRIBLE bro so you need to get back on cycle or discontinue hcg use after 4 weeks... legit anavar is not hard to find but honestly, as a first cycle, not only would you get more benefit with a sarms stack involved than just anavar but not fill your body with any toxicity or have to worry about any issues from anavar use as anavar provides minimal results at best... if you were on trt and it helped and you have low t then you could go right back on trt after your cycle... i'll include a pct in the layout just so you have it...

i would highly recommend injecting test c twice a week even if its a low dose... its a longer ester but i never feel its quite long enough to allow for a once a week injection... that's up to you but test c is always a perfect ester to use... you DEFINITELY can get the best quality sarms right here on the sight from pure essence and they have a sale going on as well.. here is the cycle i would go with

1-12 test cyp 350-500 g weej
1-14 aromasin 12.5 mg eod
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
11-14 hcg 1000 ius week

pct 15-18

clomid 50/50/25/25

nolva 40/20/20/20

aromasin 12.5 mg eod

cycle assist

mk-2866 25 mg day

gw-501516 20 mg day
Test is always a good place to start, especially if you treated for it before. Doing it at 500mg a week would build your lean muscle and probably make you feel good too.

Let me know if want some details on Phurious Pharma products. Always around to help.
sweetnspicy said:
Test is always a good place to start, especially if you treated for it before. Doing it at 500mg a week would build your lean muscle and probably make you feel good too.

Let me know if want some details on Phurious Pharma products. Always around to help.

Hi all,
I'm not tech savvy at all and am trying to figure out how to post here, but I'm trying to get in contact with Dylan Gemelli directly concerning my first cycle questions and coaching inquisition. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
John27 said:
Hi all,
I'm not tech savvy at all and am trying to figure out how to post here, but I'm trying to get in contact with Dylan Gemelli directly concerning my first cycle questions and coaching inquisition. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

After two more posts on the board here you can send him a private message. Or he might just find you first. Lol
I like the idea of doing a test cycle along with sarms, just like Dylan's protocol he posted. I think that would give you the ideal results over an Anavar only cycle. Anavar is pretty weak and I wouldn't recommend going with that. Test and sarms would treat you very well, and definitely go with the source on this board, pure essence for your sarms needs. If you need a good source for test and other gear let me know, and I'll get you a list for biotech
sweetnspicy said:
John27 said:
Hi all,
I'm not tech savvy at all and am trying to figure out how to post here, but I'm trying to get in contact with Dylan Gemelli directly concerning my first cycle questions and coaching inquisition. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

After two more posts on the board here you can send him a private message. Or he might just find you first. Lol

sweetnspicy said:
Test is always a good place to start, especially if you treated for it before. Doing it at 500mg a week would build your lean muscle and probably make you feel good too.

Let me know if want some details on Phurious Pharma products. Always around to help.
Euro king is a great site
Awesome information guys. I truly do appreciate it.

DylanGemelli said:
your test is at a good number right now... you can start your cycle at any time.

I think I need to clarify here, my labs before I started TRT were 307 (Dec 2014). My next labs were in Feb and May and they showed the test levels above 700. I have not had any labs since. After the May labs, I continued TRT through July 22nd (injection was upped from 130mg to 200mg in anticipation of me [temporarily] stopping TRT). So, in short, I dont know where I am at currently and thats why I was wondering if I should do a PCT now before starting a cycle or if I dont need to worry about it becuase I had low T to begin with and/or I was receiving a minimal test dose. Ive been on HCG therapy since Dec 2014 but based on feedback I will stop immediately. Does this info change things Dylan?

Also, Im the scientist sort both by education and personality type. Sometimes this is great and other times its kinda a hindrance. In this case, Im wondering if I should split up the SARMs and Test. I understand that they may work synergistically, or possibly they just have additive benefits, but that weird part of me would want to know what is working or what isnt. If I wanted to drop a few variables, would it make sense to separate the 2 or perhaps take out a few SARMs?

Again, thanks for all the great feedback. I am thankful I found this site.
TexasTrash said:
Awesome information guys. I truly do appreciate it.

DylanGemelli said:
your test is at a good number right now... you can start your cycle at any time.

I think I need to clarify here, my labs before I started TRT were 307 (Dec 2014). My next labs were in Feb and May and they showed the test levels above 700. I have not had any labs since. After the May labs, I continued TRT through July 22nd (injection was upped from 130mg to 200mg in anticipation of me [temporarily] stopping TRT). So, in short, I dont know where I am at currently and thats why I was wondering if I should do a PCT now before starting a cycle or if I dont need to worry about it becuase I had low T to begin with and/or I was receiving a minimal test dose. Ive been on HCG therapy since Dec 2014 but based on feedback I will stop immediately. Does this info change things Dylan?

Also, Im the scientist sort both by education and personality type. Sometimes this is great and other times its kinda a hindrance. In this case, Im wondering if I should split up the SARMs and Test. I understand that they may work synergistically, or possibly they just have additive benefits, but that weird part of me would want to know what is working or what isnt. If I wanted to drop a few variables, would it make sense to separate the 2 or perhaps take out a few SARMs?

Again, thanks for all the great feedback. I am thankful I found this site.

thanks for clarifying... then you absolutely need to see bloodwork first before proceeding forward to see where your at and THAT will determine what to do next but until then i would not advise you to start anything but would advise you to stop hcg...

as far as sarms with test... the reasoning in stacking them with test is they are far different than steroids... you will be able to see what is doing what... they all work and coincide together, all bringing a specialty to the equation... its different when you run a drastic oral on a first cycle and not knowing what is doing what... sarms are gradual and test also takes nearly 4 weeks to really build and show when using a long ester so you will have a kickstart with sarms and be able to use all the way through but over gradual time... they stack perfectly with test and will cause no confusion on what is working... generally what they provide is not what test will provide in terms of huge endurance, healing, the extreme muscle hardening and vascularity.... you will see the early strength from sarms and then really see when test kicks in... there will be no confusion... its a perfect first cycle...
TexasTrash said:
Will do sir. Thanks again for all the help guys. I cant say it enough...........this site is awesome!

absolutely brother... i am always here to help in any way i can as is everyone else... you will never find yourself with a lack of guidance...
Got my labs back today (from 8/26/15 blood draw). Here are the numbers with ranges listed first:

BUN (6-20mg/dL) - 28 High
Creatinine, Serum (.76-1.27 mg/dL) - 1.42 High
Testosterone, Serum (348-1197 ng/dL) - 223 Low
LH (1.7-8.6 mIU/mL) - 3.9 Normal
FSH (1.5-12.4 mIU/mL) - 0.9 Low
Estradiol (7.6-42.6 pg/mL) - 16.6 Normal

So the timeline overall is:
Dec 2014 Bloodwork: BUN high at 29, Creatinine was "normal" at 1.21, Test low at 307, LH normal at 6.0, FSH normal at 1.5, Estradiol normal at 12.2, Prolactin High at 26.8 (std range 4-15.2)
Dec 2014 - Started TRT at LowT clinic. 130mg Test C 1Xweek, 0.25mg arimidex 1Xweek, HCG 500iU 2Xweek
Feb 2015 Bloodwork: Test was 730, Estradiol normal at 19.8, and prolactin down to "normal" range at 11.3
May 2015 Bloodwork: Test was 750, Estradiol at 22.1
July 22nd 2015: Last Test shot (200mg this time instead of 130), and arimidex 2 days later. Basically stopped TRT as it wouldnt be covered by insurance any longer. HCG continued for about another month.

So, in short:
1) My BUN always seems to be high. I eat 1.2-1.4g protein per lb of bodyweight. Is this test result normal?
2) My creatinine also seems to run a little high. Related to protein intake or creatine possibly?
3) Estradiol seems to be controlled but apparently I am naturally a little high on prolactin.
4) Before TRT my test was ~300, TRT moved it up to ~750, and now Im about 235 (only a little over 1 month since last injection)
5) Before TRT my LH was normal and now a little lower but still normal range.
6) Before TRT my FSH was on the very low end of normal (1.5) and now its low at 0.9.

So, it looks like either TRT did not shut me down completely, or I am already recovering, or possibly the HCG is still "working" in me. So, the question are:
a) should I try to jumpstart my natural test with a PCT? I was already kind of low so Im not sure how well this would work. One could argue that I should just self administer TRT but Im unsure if I want to do that or try and be "normal" with a cycle here and there.
b) Should I try some sort of cycle with PCT at end? I currently have a SARM super stack on the way so I could try just this or possibly stack some Test/aromasin on it also.

Sorry for the long post but I wanted to paint a good picture. Any questions/suggestions on 1-6 or help with a&b would be much appreciated.

TexasTrash said:
Got my labs back today (from 8/26/15 blood draw). Here are the numbers with ranges listed first:

BUN (6-20mg/dL) - 28 High
Creatinine, Serum (.76-1.27 mg/dL) - 1.42 High
Testosterone, Serum (348-1197 ng/dL) - 223 Low
LH (1.7-8.6 mIU/mL) - 3.9 Normal
FSH (1.5-12.4 mIU/mL) - 0.9 Low
Estradiol (7.6-42.6 pg/mL) - 16.6 Normal

So the timeline overall is:
Dec 2014 Bloodwork: BUN high at 29, Creatinine was "normal" at 1.21, Test low at 307, LH normal at 6.0, FSH normal at 1.5, Estradiol normal at 12.2, Prolactin High at 26.8 (std range 4-15.2)
Dec 2014 - Started TRT at LowT clinic. 130mg Test C 1Xweek, 0.25mg arimidex 1Xweek, HCG 500iU 2Xweek
Feb 2015 Bloodwork: Test was 730, Estradiol normal at 19.8, and prolactin down to "normal" range at 11.3
May 2015 Bloodwork: Test was 750, Estradiol at 22.1
July 22nd 2015: Last Test shot (200mg this time instead of 130), and arimidex 2 days later. Basically stopped TRT as it wouldnt be covered by insurance any longer. HCG continued for about another month.

So, in short:
1) My BUN always seems to be high. I eat 1.2-1.4g protein per lb of bodyweight. Is this test result normal?
2) My creatinine also seems to run a little high. Related to protein intake or creatine possibly?
3) Estradiol seems to be controlled but apparently I am naturally a little high on prolactin.
4) Before TRT my test was ~300, TRT moved it up to ~750, and now Im about 235 (only a little over 1 month since last injection)
5) Before TRT my LH was normal and now a little lower but still normal range.
6) Before TRT my FSH was on the very low end of normal (1.5) and now its low at 0.9.

So, it looks like either TRT did not shut me down completely, or I am already recovering, or possibly the HCG is still "working" in me. So, the question are:
a) should I try to jumpstart my natural test with a PCT? I was already kind of low so Im not sure how well this would work. One could argue that I should just self administer TRT but Im unsure if I want to do that or try and be "normal" with a cycle here and there.
b) Should I try some sort of cycle with PCT at end? I currently have a SARM super stack on the way so I could try just this or possibly stack some Test/aromasin on it also.

Sorry for the long post but I wanted to paint a good picture. Any questions/suggestions on 1-6 or help with a&b would be much appreciated.


1. This number would indicate a diet that high in protein but what you are eating is nothing out of the ordinary so i am wondering if there are other underlying circumstances or perhaps your body just cannot process it.

2. That would indicate this, yes bro

3. That would also appear so and i cannot see anything your doing to cause these leaps like that

4. Yes, its very clear trt is necessary

5. this is normal with trt use

6. also normal to occur with trt use

your lh and fsh always drop down to nothing with trt but they generally recover but that would need assistance to kickstart and hcg use will also crush these numbers after you discontinue it.

Its clear you need trt... from there, i would refrain from steroid blasts until you are on a few months and get your test back to a normal range, THEN i would start working on blasts... for now, i would get back on trt, stack with sarms and possibly provirion, get yourself in good condition and back in the normal range with your test levels and THEN we move forward to your blast... its one step at a time bro, its not a sprint and you need to do this properly as it has clearly not been done correct in the past but now it can be fixed...
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