
questions about Clomid and trt


New member
I took trt for close to a year, I got off of it about 3-4 weeks ago I want my levels to naturally be at 400 to 600, and they were low at 270 what can I do to fix this, problem I have high blood pressure witch I'm taking medince for I just started to to take Clomiphene citrate 25 mg will that help it will let me about. months, I also starting taking nugenix test booster from gnc if you could, help me please and thank you.
I took trt for close to a year, I got off of it about 3-4 weeks ago I want my levels to naturally be at 400 to 600, and they were low at 270 what can I do to fix this, problem I have high blood pressure witch I'm taking medince for I just started to to take Clomiphene citrate 25 mg will that help it will let me about. months, I also starting taking nugenix test booster from gnc if you could, help me please and thank you.

You don’t usually “come off” TRT... it’s a lifelong commitment bro... it will probably take some time to get your levels back to normal.. you may want to try Dylan’s DGA Post ct
if you were already at 270 then YOU NEEDED trt man... you are not going to get them up to 600 without it... you NEEDED it... you are only causing yourself more problems now... were you prescribed or self medicating?
Why did you come off the TRT? It doesn't appear that you are going to be able to sustain healthy natural levels without it
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