How's it.
New member. Long time isarms and DG follower.
24yo 6ft 1"
Around 12% Bf
4 years lifting exp
Recently ran my first cycle, just your standard Test E 250 for 12 weeks
380mg a week / 2 shots @ 3/4 ml
Ran aromasin eod @12.5mg
Pct week 15-18
I feel it was a very successful cycle overall. I gained around 4 kilos of lean muscle tissue. Pumps were insane, drive and aggression in the gym was phenomenal! Gym work aside I more so enjoyed the behavioural benefits testosterone had to offer: mental clarity was a huge plus, confidence within myself was at an all time high. I seemed to radiate with dominant energy and guys and girls could just feel it. (One guy said I had an energy about me that just commands respect). I really liked that! Damn I had a great time to be honest.
My goals were to bust through some strength and growth plateaus I had been struggling with. Also just a general experiment as to how my body would react to AAS. I am aware I may have jumped the gun diving into steroids a little early, but believe me they seriously helped drag my sorry ass out of a real dark place.. Also I did my due diligence when it came to research, I dove deep into researching AAS for 2 years before deciding to run my first cycle. I wanted to do it right and respect the compounds, play it smart. Play it safe.
I did get my pre bloods done. (Can post them if need be) and will be getting post bloods done in a couple weeks time. (Sorry no mid cycle bloods!... I know..)
Pre cycle I believe test was okay, not great but within range. And oestradiol was within range but at the higher end. LH and FSH were in check too.
I am currently 2 weeks post pct. And have been looking into bridging with sarms. The reason being is training and recovery sucks ass being "unsupported" so to speak. And I really don't deal well with set backs when it comes to lifting. However I am finding conflicting opinions as to whether or not it will be safe to run a suppressive sarm such as LGD for a period of 12 weeks especially being straight after my first cycle and pct.
Can any vets please advise a safe SARM bridge protocol?
Definitely keen on running GW for the duration of the bridge. It's nutrient partitioning properties are just freaking awesome. That and Ostarine kept me looking hard and full throughout PCT.
(Thanks DG for the awesome advise BTW [emoji6][emoji117])
Aside from GW, what else would the more experienced moderators recommend? I'm thinking maybe another 1 or 2 compounds.
I'm weighing up between MK677, LGD4033, RAD140 and S4
Goals are to bulk or maintain muscle, keep drive and aggression in the gym, while staying on the safe side when it comes to HPTA shutdown.
Thanks in advance.
And a huge wassup from NZ!
Ps for those who are interested I have attached a few photos of my progress
#1 - week 4 of Pct
#2 - week 12 on cycle
#3 - day 1 on cycle
#4 - 100% full natty 4 months pre cycle
Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk
New member. Long time isarms and DG follower.
24yo 6ft 1"
Around 12% Bf
4 years lifting exp
Recently ran my first cycle, just your standard Test E 250 for 12 weeks
380mg a week / 2 shots @ 3/4 ml
Ran aromasin eod @12.5mg
Pct week 15-18
I feel it was a very successful cycle overall. I gained around 4 kilos of lean muscle tissue. Pumps were insane, drive and aggression in the gym was phenomenal! Gym work aside I more so enjoyed the behavioural benefits testosterone had to offer: mental clarity was a huge plus, confidence within myself was at an all time high. I seemed to radiate with dominant energy and guys and girls could just feel it. (One guy said I had an energy about me that just commands respect). I really liked that! Damn I had a great time to be honest.
My goals were to bust through some strength and growth plateaus I had been struggling with. Also just a general experiment as to how my body would react to AAS. I am aware I may have jumped the gun diving into steroids a little early, but believe me they seriously helped drag my sorry ass out of a real dark place.. Also I did my due diligence when it came to research, I dove deep into researching AAS for 2 years before deciding to run my first cycle. I wanted to do it right and respect the compounds, play it smart. Play it safe.
I did get my pre bloods done. (Can post them if need be) and will be getting post bloods done in a couple weeks time. (Sorry no mid cycle bloods!... I know..)
Pre cycle I believe test was okay, not great but within range. And oestradiol was within range but at the higher end. LH and FSH were in check too.
I am currently 2 weeks post pct. And have been looking into bridging with sarms. The reason being is training and recovery sucks ass being "unsupported" so to speak. And I really don't deal well with set backs when it comes to lifting. However I am finding conflicting opinions as to whether or not it will be safe to run a suppressive sarm such as LGD for a period of 12 weeks especially being straight after my first cycle and pct.
Can any vets please advise a safe SARM bridge protocol?
Definitely keen on running GW for the duration of the bridge. It's nutrient partitioning properties are just freaking awesome. That and Ostarine kept me looking hard and full throughout PCT.
(Thanks DG for the awesome advise BTW [emoji6][emoji117])
Aside from GW, what else would the more experienced moderators recommend? I'm thinking maybe another 1 or 2 compounds.
I'm weighing up between MK677, LGD4033, RAD140 and S4
Goals are to bulk or maintain muscle, keep drive and aggression in the gym, while staying on the safe side when it comes to HPTA shutdown.
Thanks in advance.
And a huge wassup from NZ!
Ps for those who are interested I have attached a few photos of my progress
#1 - week 4 of Pct
#2 - week 12 on cycle
#3 - day 1 on cycle
#4 - 100% full natty 4 months pre cycle

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