


Hello guys. So I?ve been taking Masteron prop for going on 3 weeks. I?ve read about the sides on here and honestly I haven?t experienced any, not even increased libido, if anything I feel like my libido has gone down.

I?m taking:

Test cyp 300 a week
Tren Ace 300 a week
Mast Prop 300 a week
Aromasin 25mg eod (was taking 1 a day since estrogen was really high, went back to 1 eod)

Just started:
Winni 20mg a day
MK-501516 20mg a day

Also I?m like 2 weeks out to be done with my cycle but still not we?re I want to be. Should I continue or stop it?
I recommend stopping and getting yourself back to normal.
Dude between mast and 25mg aromasin every other day you estrogen is probably destroyed.

Tren can throw false estrogen readings.
yes man, thats a heavy aromasin dose for a cycle like this... mast helps libido by lowering shbg to free up bound testosterone... have you had all of these checked as well?
Way too much AI in that cycle in my opinion. You have a low dose of test which is the only compound that actually aromatizes in your cycle. Then on top of that, you are running 2 DHT derrivatives in Mast an winny which antagonize estrogen. Tren is also a very dry compound. You likely have estrogen levels crashed to the floor.
This makes sense cuz I feel like shit most of the day and erections aren?t what they use to be. So if I can?t trust blood work on estrogen what do I go by?

Dylan yes I checked all those and shbg was low, test at 2000 and 800 free test
This makes sense cuz I feel like shit most of the day and erections aren?t what they use to be. So if I can?t trust blood work on estrogen what do I go by?

Dylan yes I checked all those and shbg was low, test at 2000 and 800 free test
so clearly the mast is doing its job properly
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