
LGD 4033 ostarine cycle questions


New member
Hello, I am looking to start a LGD 4033 and ostarine stack. How many MG of each should I be taking every day and for how many weeks should I run this cycle? I am about 170 and looking to cut/recomp. What PCT should I be doing after this?
i guess im lost.. you just repeated exactly the way its laid out... post ct is a test booster you run on cycle, just like it says and then you run a mini pct, the exact weeks listed... i guess i dont understand because i cant possibly make it any simpler than its written
Sorry for the confusion. What I mean is, so I run the DGA, and then another PCT after that? I thought the DGA post CT was the mini PCT?
Sorry for the confusion. What I mean is, so I run the DGA, and then another PCT after that? I thought the DGA post CT was the mini PCT?
No, post CT is used on cycle to make the transition into pct go more smoothly and make recovery that much either
Sorry for the confusion. What I mean is, so I run the DGA, and then another PCT after that? I thought the DGA post CT was the mini PCT?
once again, i just explained that its a test booster you use on cycle bro??? im not trying to be a dick but are you even reading my posts??
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