Re: RE: Re: Is PCT required for ALL SARMS??
ibleedoranbla said:
ALL SARMS require a pct. Unless you don't care about the way you feel or keeping your gains. GW does not require a pct but it is NOT a sarm, it is a ppar antagonist.
Being that it is true that GW is not a SARM,
is it true that it does not need a PCT.
I am just asking for confirmation.
Assuming that this is true, is there any harm in running GW while on PCT?[/quote]
GW is non hormonal and has 0 affect on your hpta. It is highly recommended to use during pct because of its anti catabolic properties. It is also great at restoring and improving your lipids, something great for pct or any time your values are out of whack. It also increases your vo2 max, thus increasing your output in any given state of training. These types of things are crucial during pct in order to help you maintain your gains, clean them up, and just overall feeling better and getting healthy again.[/quote]
Perfect summary brother.. LOVE IT and I love how you are acquiring and gaining knowledge as rapidly as you are... A true asset...
Yes, there is damn good reason I recommend gw in every pct moving forward... as you said, no suppression, non catabolic and allows for maximum output throughout especially when most struggle their most which is during pct... i can't think of anything better to fit in pct to help with the overall experience... it does nothing to kickstart htpa but that is absolutely not the only thing that needs addressed in pct, not even close... there are so many areas that need to be addressed and i have covered them all in articles and videos and gw definitely has a place...