
Enhanced Super Stack cycle.


New member
hello all, i'm about to start the enhanced super stack and wanted to start my log thread. A little backround on me, I have been training for just over 10 years, I was an endurance athlete in highschool, and into college. I always lifted as well, but never to get bigger or anything of the sort. Then after my decision to serve I found a love for weightlifting that has never stopped. I am an Olympic style weightlifting coach and crossfit coach. I do a mix of strength and skill training along with endurance, 2 a day workouts consisting of cardio and strength spilt throughtout the day. I'm 6'1" 235 lbs starting this, coming at 15 to 17% bf. I'll be eating at maintenance calories to start, timing my macro intake for best results. The goal is to cut, so after the first few weeks I will cut below maintenance calories. currently squatting 430lbs, benching 320lbs, deadlifting 550lbs. Oly lifts are 325lbs clean and jerk, and 285lbs snatch. Running times can be posted if desired.
dosages would be S4 25mg/25mg split dose, first in morning then 4-6 hours after. RAD-140 20mg/day, GW-501516 25mg/day, SR9009 30mg/day, 5mg every 2 hours for 6 doses, and will be adding in ostabolic at 25mg/day.
This is going to be great to follow! Is this your first experience with sarms ? I'd really like to see what can be done with them . Please post before and afters.

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excellent bro, im really looking forward to your results... let me know anytime you have questions... tear it up bro!
first day down, was able to keep up with dosing schedule. My workout felt amazing today, I was crushing high intensity workouts and recovering a little above normal. energy levels were high throughout the day. look forward to tomorrow.
first day down, was able to keep up with dosing schedule. My workout felt amazing today, I was crushing high intensity workouts and recovering a little above normal. energy levels were high throughout the day. look forward to tomorrow.

Awesome start. Keep it up. It's only going to get better from here
hello everyone, sorry for the long pause in posts, I have been in and out of state for work. But I am happy to say during week 3 I got my bf tested i'm down 2.5% and i'm up in weight by a solid 5 pounds of fat free mass. My lifts are crazy right now and my endurance is the real kicker I can go harder and longer. big increase in vascularity, this could be from the SARMS and the lower body fat levels. I'll get some pics up soon.
hello everyone, sorry for the long pause in posts, I have been in and out of state for work. But I am happy to say during week 3 I got my bf tested i'm down 2.5% and i'm up in weight by a solid 5 pounds of fat free mass. My lifts are crazy right now and my endurance is the real kicker I can go harder and longer. big increase in vascularity, this could be from the SARMS and the lower body fat levels. I'll get some pics up soon.
AWESOME progress my friend! Thanks for the update, and looking forward to the pics
hello everyone, sorry for the long pause in posts, I have been in and out of state for work. But I am happy to say during week 3 I got my bf tested i'm down 2.5% and i'm up in weight by a solid 5 pounds of fat free mass. My lifts are crazy right now and my endurance is the real kicker I can go harder and longer. big increase in vascularity, this could be from the SARMS and the lower body fat levels. I'll get some pics up soon.
great brother!! thats awesome! keep up the great work bro! keep the updates coming!
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