
Cardarine and cardazol


New member
Hello if I buy Cardarine and cardazol how will I have to take that. Especially cardazol being in a pill form will I have to take two pills for each meal that will equal to 6 pills a day?
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Cardarine you dose 20mg first thing in the morning, and you have a good dosing plan for the cardazol already. Your going to like the results you get with them for sure.
But I also heard I should do 10mg in morning and 10mg in evening? Is that something I should do or can I do the full 20mg one time?
I took 20mg in the morning. After about a week, I noticed increased cardiovascular stamina. After two weeks it was significant and I kept improving week to week. After a couple weeks I also saw increased recovery in between sets of lifting.
I took 20mg in the morning. After about a week, I noticed increased cardiovascular stamina. After two weeks it was significant and I kept improving week to week. After a couple weeks I also saw increased recovery in between sets of lifting.
Same for me. I ran it 20mg in the morning and started noticing in about a week and a half, and not too long after I could practically do endless cardio.
I took 20mg in the morning. After about a week, I noticed increased cardiovascular stamina. After two weeks it was significant and I kept improving week to week. After a couple weeks I also saw increased recovery in between sets of lifting.
would I get shredded from these two compounds that I’m about to buy?
you get shredded by diet and training dude... no drugs "make you shredded" but they certainly can help enhance the process
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