
Blood work


Hi lads can you have a look at this for me and see is it okay. I could not get the female hormone panel test only the male one and I could only get that because my sister-in-law works in a hospital. The bitch that she is thought it would be funny to put me into a transgender clinic and told the nurses I wanted to become a Woman. She got me lovely but I will get her back.

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Rambo the thing we have to put up with to get something done LMFAO Did she have you're real name on test order or you're transgender name
Hi Tin just looked she put my real name on very hard to get your blood is done in Ireland

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I forgot to tell use my age 41 if that makes any difference

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I'd be speculating as I really don't know for sure, but the fact your both test and estradiol are both low but pretty much in good ratio makes me think you might still be recovering to normal. Some take longer than others to recover fully. Your numbers aren't overly low anyways. Do you have prior bloods? How old are you?

41 this is the first time I done the hormonal panel test

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